Chapter 13 - Halloween

Start from the beginning

"Look, you girls go on to class. I'll stay here." I said to them. They nodded and left.

I spent the rest of the afternoon in the cubicle next to Hermione's, telling her about how boys are insensitive and how they never care about girls' feeling when they're eleven, and all that jazz. After a while, she stopped sobbing.

"That's it, Mynee. There's nothing to cry about. Ron and Harry are just a pair of insensitive boys." I comforted.

Then I heard a creak, and Hermione's cubicle door opened. I stood up, and hugged her. She started sobbing again, into my shoulder.

"I have no friends." She cried. "I'm a know-it-all. Everyone hates me. And I'm so ugly. My hair is so bushy, and I have rabbit-teeth..."

"Hermione." I told her softly. "Everyone wants to have brains like yours. I envy your cleverness! I'm sure Ronald does too, you know, that's why he acts like this, because he's infuriated that he's not as smart as you. No one hates you, Hermione, not really. The Slytherins obviously do, but they hate all of Gryffindor, don't they? And you are SO not ugly. Your hair is so pretty, and I'm sure magic could sort out your teeth, if they really bother you. They don't bother me, or Ron, or anybody else. And they shouldn't bother anyone, anyway. They're YOUR teeth, not theirs. You can look however you want to look. And you know what, Mynee?" She lifted her head slightly. "I'm your friend."

She laughed, and hugged me tighter, then let go and wiped her eyes. "You're such a good friend, Daze."

"So those are our nicknames, then!" I laughed. "Mynee and Daze!"

Hermione laughed.

"Well, we'd better get to the feast. Thank you so much, Daisy." We hugged again, before walking to the door.

But halfway to it, we smelt a really bad smell. It was so gross!

Then something thundered in, dragging a mouldy club behind it.

A troll! For some reason, the meme troll face popped up in my mind, and I snorted. So not the time, Daisy!

"Why'd you laugh? This isn't funny!" Hermione wailed.

"I just thought of a meme." I sniggered.

The troll then suddenly spotted us.

"Run!" I shrieked, and we darted around the troll and to the door. But someone had locked it! WTF -

The troll turned towards us again. Hermione screamed and darted around it again. I followed.

It took a swing at us with its club, and I shrieked as it nearly hit me. It skimmed along the ground, and I jumped over it as it went to hit me, like a skipping rope.

Hermione and I flattened ourselves against the wall. Hermione looked as if she was about to faint.

And I did what I always did in situations where I was scared or panicked. I did what was familiar to me.

I made puns.

"Hey, Hermione!" I called to her. "This troll really trolled us, eh? EH?"

I burst out in breathy and somewhat panicked laughter.

Hermione just stared at me with a look that was basically saying, 'Weirdo'.

Then the door banged open. Harry and Ron, who were both extremely pale, sprinted towards the troll, as I made another pun.

"This situation stinks! EH?"

Harry looked at me with understanding. He knows how I am in these sort of situations. But Ron facepalmed.

Daisy Potter and the Love Triangle at Hogwarts (Book 1, Harry Potter ff)Where stories live. Discover now