"Nah.. It's okay, I guess I kinda pressured you too with all that stuff"

"It's okay. Btw, I've already know what the sakura tree could do, grant a person's most desired wish right?" I said while raising my eyebrows

"Ouh, you read the book?

"Nah.. A kid told me" I said slowly, almost like a whisper. I still feel worried for the kid.

"Really? Introduce me to the kid next time, who knows he might be into mystic things like me too"

I just nod with a smile.


I'm on my way to go home, JB left first because his friend called him. It's almost dark so I better hurry.

While I was fast walking, I heard a footstep behind me. It follows my pace, when I go fast, it also go fast.. When I slow down, it does too..

I grab my pepper spray inside my handbag and ready to spray it if the person do something to me..

The footsteps
keeps getting faster

and faster..

The person came nearer and grabbed my shoulder "Hey-"

I turn around and point my pepper spray at him but accidentally threw it when I realised it's Jinyoung.

"YOu scared the shi- out of me!!"

Jinyoung put his hand together "Sorry, I didn't mean to startled you. I saw you walking alone so I decided to follow"

I heaved a big sigh and rub my chest. I swear my heart was about to burst.

I walk back home with Jinyoung accompanying me. Somehow, tonight feels kinda cold. I rubbed my hand together, trying to warm it up.

Jinyoung saw it and he grabbed my hand tightly, putting it into his jacket's pocket, "Better?".

I nod.

The weather is cold but somehow my cheeks feel warm.

"Btw, Why didn't you pick up my call yesterday?" I said

"Ouh, that night? Sorry, I had something going on"

I glanced at Jinyoung's jacket and I saw a little bit of a red splatter on it. I took out my tissue and wiped it, it's so red and kinda left some stain, "What is this? Did you drink something?"

"..Ah.. Yeah.., It kinda got onto my jacket"

Little did I know..

..That it wasn't a drink..


Sorry for the late update. School has just started so I'm kinda busy (and lazy)

Btw, thanks for reading this chapter!💕

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