Chapter 14 - Secret Weapon

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     Coyote closed the linen closet and leaned against it. His calloused hand twisted the wiry coils of his beard while his grey eyes searched the dated brown carpet at their feet.

“Gunner thinks we can use her as a trade for Clara and Corbin, but from what I’ve heard about Merric, I don’t think he’ll trade two for one—not even for his daughter.”

“Abraham thinks I can infiltrate their camp,” Luna said.

“And I say that option is off the table,” Jasper objected.

Coyote bounced his eyes between Jasper to Luna as he rubbed his beard. “It’s not a bad idea. I gathered some quick intel on these Hounds and apparently they have their superstitions about messing with people with the gift of seeing. We could arm Luna to the teeth and--“

“NO.” Jasper glared at him. “We can find another way.

“But it’s my choice to make!” Luna snapped at him. “I just gotta sneak in and get Clara and Corbin out. I can do this. You don’t need to hover all the time!”

“I have to protect you!” Jasper snapped back.

“Why? I have a father to do that!”

“What do you mean, why? I’m your brother and I love you.”

“You’re not my brother!” She glared at him and Jasper’s mouth opened to respond but then closed.

“Do y’all need a minute?” Coyote asked.

“NO!” they both clipped.

“Uh...” He darted his eyes between them again. “You’ll have to excuse me. I think I smell our supper burning.”

It was silent between them as they waited for Coyote to disappear, but then Jasper spoke up. “Luna, I care about you and I can’t bear the thought of anything hap--“

“Don’t!” she blurted and began dragging him down the hallway to a bedroom. She yanked him inside with her, and as soon as the door clicked closed, she jabbed her finger in his face. “You have no right to tell me what I can do!”

“Luna, I know you’re strong. I know you’re capable, but it’s dangerous.”

“Dangerous? Please. I’m practically a pimp to a bunch of prostitutes and have to come to their rescue when they’re getting slapped around.”

“It’s not the same.”

“It’s not?”

“No, it’s not. Father and I are always there to protect you, but be up on some hill watching with binoculars!”

“Stop calling him father!” Luna stomped her foot.

Jasper drew his head back. “But that’s what he is. He raised me.”

“And it confuses me!”

A few beats ticked while studying each other as if they were predators circling before a fight. Jasper took a deep breath and upon exhaling, his words tumbled out, “I shouldn’t have kissed you this morning. I guess I’ve just been a little jealous seeing the way you’ve been interacting with Corbin. Perhaps subconsciously I was trying to claim you and I’m sorry. I won’t do that again.”

Luna’s eyes widened. “What?”

“I shouldn’t have done that. It was wrong and I--“

“Wrong?” She cut him off and furrowed her brows. “So then why did you do it if you think it’s wrong!?”

“Let me explain.”

“No, Jasper! Do you think it’s ok to mess with my head? To play with my emotions? Because it’s not ok to do that to me.”

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