Chapter 7 HER POWER

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Next Morning.

Only person left in the Rana Mansion was AS, SSR and VSR.All of them were sitting and having their breakfast on the table..
When SSR spoke..AS you have to come with me to Mumbai. I need you there..
AS: I guess this issue is discussed between us Sir..Robert will come with you and i will tell him about your every routine...
SSR: But i want you to come with me over there..Dad plzz tell her to come with me..
VSR: Whats the Issue Over here..???
SSR:Dad i told you...
AS: Enough!! I wont come and thats final Sorry Senior but i cant do this...
Am leaving..
VSR: What happened Siddharth would you like to tell me..??
SSR explained the whole matter of yesterday night to VSR..
To this VSR thought Something and told SSR to move to Office right away...

In Office,

To which they got a simple nodd and AS left from there..
Employes Understood about AS mood..

Later Siddharth and AS went for Some meeting..
While returning AS got a call..
AS: Hello !!
POC: Mam we have got some clue about HIM..but...
AS: But what ???..
POC: But Mam i am right now in Mumbai if you want your clues or anything You have to come mumbai nd personally recieve it from me..
AS: *whispering* Mumbai....
Okay i will be there..

Later she went to Siddharth's Cabin..
she waited for Siddharth to cime inside the cabin..
Siddharth entered..
AS: Sir !! We have to leave Mumbai right away..
SSR: Till Morning you were not conviced by the idea of going Mumbai..What So happened Now.??
AS: Sir.!! There's a clue about HIM..
SSR: *Shocked* What ??
Siddharth was so shocked that he sat on his chair..
AS: Yup..thats true.. *Shouting* Sir !!!
Take this...*giving the glass of water*
SSR: you mean he can be.*having tears in his eyes*
AS: Yes.. There's a clue he can be or cannot be...nothing can be said before i investigate..and for that we have to go MUMBAI..
SSR: Listen AS i know you did a lot for my family..But i dont think so you should do it.. i mean.. you know you dont have to come mumbai..nd..face THEM..
AS: I always thought this family as Mine.. and about them they are nothing to me...actually you know Sir they are dead for me..
SSR: Its yours Only...Okay and about them dont worry we will find...
AS: i dont want to be found sir..Plzz..🙏🙏
SSR: Okay dont do this we are going Mumbai ..But think Once again..
AS: I dont need to..I will do Everything in my hands to find HIM..
SSR: God bless you beta you are no less then a blessing to us..
AS: Okay Stop this melo drama My drama queen...i guess you should go home and Pack your bags i will come once every arrangement is done..
SSR: *saluting* Yes My lord..
AS just shook her head laughing at the great business Man of US behaving like kid in front of her..
AS: Okay..Go home..and call Mam tell her about the thing..
SSR nodded his head and left from the office...
While AS sat on the chair and was thinking Something Very deeply...
Much like about her past..yes about some Memories..we made the girl like her fall apart...and She received a phone call .....

POC: Hello beta How are you..?
AS: Hey Maa Am Fine tell me how its Going On...?
MOM: This is going too well..What happened to you ???
AS: *cheerfully* Nothing Maa just a little Work Load nthing else..
MOM:*Sternly* Speak up... i know you Love your work that you never feel its load..So say baccha please..😘
AS: Maa Am Going Mumbai..
MOM:*Shocked* What ??? ...but why do you need to go there..???
No you wont Go i will talk to your boss..
AS: *Whispering* Maa
MOM: You Wont go there that's Final am calling Siddharth..
AS: Maa HE is Alive..
MOM: *Shocked* Wha..aatt*teary eyes*
AS: Yes Maa there are Clues..
MOM:*Crying* Are you Sure..He ..Say AS is this really true....
AS: Maa Calm down...please dont stress..there are clues This is why i have to go Mumbai to search for him..
MOM: *Whispering* You know you dont have to this for them You have Done...alot..
AS: I am doing Everything for Us Maa for the family...i can die even..
MOM: Shh..Dont say that i almost lost you once and my baby too please dont do anything that might hurt you
AS: Okay okay Maa Stop Crying I wont speak that Okay Now calm down...And have water....and dont personally going for the investigation..with Siddharth Sir..
MOM: Yeah If you are going with Siddharth i dont have to worry he will take care of you..
AS: Exactly Maa..
MOM: Acha Take your medicines on time and call me once you reach there..
AS: Yes take care as well.. Had all the best for the project..
MOM: Okay bbye beta Take care..Love ya.
AS: Bbye Maa Love ya..

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