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A/N: This chapter contains sexual content and language that may be uncomfortable or inappropriate for some readers. If this subject isn't up your alley, I'll be posting the next chapter soon :) I hope you've enjoyed this story so far, and thank you for waiting for patiently for this special time. Happy reading!


An intense rush of tingles detonated in my body like a grenade going off, exploding with an immense pulsation of heat and pleasure. My whole being felt like it was floating as he pressed his forehead into mine, our breaths mingling together like saltwater air mixing with the crisp breeze of the beach.

“Harry,” I gasped, feeling the warmth of his exhales coat my face like a blanket. I could see the usual inviting green that inhabited his eyes turn dark, like day to night in his irises as arousal saturated his being. Teeth white as snow chewed at the rosy pink flesh of his mouth.

His ice cold finger tips peeled the clothing from my torso, tossing the useless shirt to the side as chills prodded from my skin like hilly terrain. The moment was beautiful, watching intently as he pulled his own tee from his body, revealing a plethora of tattoos that were etched onto his lightly bronzed skin. Oddly enough, the butterfly stippled onto his abdomen was my favorite.

I trailed my digits along the smooth outline, resting my forehead into the crook of his neck and taking in the intoxicating aroma. My wet, swollen lips glided over the wing of the dark swallows resting under his collar bones.

“Babe,” he lightly giggled, a moan resonating from his lips at the ticklish sensation of my skin ghosting over his own. He slightly recoiled from my touch, inching away from my ginger touch before pulling my chin up to reconnect our lips. Soft sounds from his throat entered into my mouth, creating a familiar feeling in my core that knotted with a pleasurable zing.

Both of our breathing had sped, the kiss becoming deeper and hungrier as I tangled my hands in his unruly curls. His body was close to mine, and for the first time in any sexual situation I felt nervous. I had never made love. I only had sex.  

Nerves and all, I forced myself to hike up onto his nonexistent hips, easing closer into his touch as his hands massaging the underside of my thigh and kneaded the skin delicately. The thought that it was actually happening caused a needy whimper to sound from my throat.

When I opened my eyes, I felt his legs start moving over to the plush comforter of the bed. Our faces remained close to one another’s, our lips gently resting on one another as we huffed in giant gusts of air, brushing noses before I was laid gently onto the cool mattress. The sensation simmered down the intense blazing of my skin.

“Is uh… is this…” he trailed off, crawling over my legs and poising his knees against the fabric coating my thighs. I could see the tension sewn in his expression, fingers trembling like the rumble of an old car. It ran through his slicked hair with uneasy movement and a cough scratched in his throat. I had never seen him squirm under such immense pressure.

I hooked my hand at the nape of his neck and pulled him closer,  silently answering whatever question he hadn’t mustered up the confidence to answer. I knew Harry had only done such intimate things with two other people, which I tried hard not to think of in that moment, because all I wanted to do was focus on the beautiful features of his face, and the way that both of us felt.

He nodded into the kiss before pulling away and ripping from my eye contact. His chest heaved and fell. Shaky long fingers snaked up my back, making my tremble under his touch as he tried to unfasten the invisible padlock securing my bra together. He made absolute sure to not look at my eyes.

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