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"What the fuck are you doing here!?" I instantly sprung up and out of bed, rushing over to him and pushing against his arms, my effort leading to no avail. He stood unmoved like an ancient stone. "You need to leave now."

Harry’s gaze flitted down to my midriff before quickly returning back to my face. I noticed a dirt swipe across the edge of his forehead and a thin layer of sweat beading over his lip. Sliding his lip between his teeth in hesitation, his eyes once again returned to my chest, making me feel more uncomfortable with every passing second.

"What are you-" I looked down, realizing I was in nothing but my black silk bra and mismatching bright pink underwear with hello kitty on the crotch.

Fuck. My. Life. The day I decide to not wear matching underclothes.

He howled in laughter as I scrambled to cover myself, grabbing a pair of holey jeans and spreading them over my bare body. Most of me was still visible, but the jeans I clutched to for dear life made me feel a little more secure.

“Hello kitty?!”

"Get out!" I shrieked, mortified that I had just shown Harry Styles my half naked body and my childish panties. A breathy sigh escaped his lips as his laughter died down after what seemed like forever, swiping a salty tear away from his eye. I tapped my foot impatiently, the annoying sound repeating until he spoke.

"Come on, how could I just leave after that?" his huskily spoke, voice dripping and pupils expanding with lust. A smirk pulled across his lips, his cheek caving in as the dimple cratered. I snorted, wrapping my sheets around my body and waving him off. He stepped closer, suspending his face nearer to mine before whispering into my ear. “They didn’t look bad.” A fluttery feeling surfaced in my stomach while I strangled back any sounds, almost biting right into my lip. I regained my composure and put on a stern mask, avoiding the slight arousal his humid breath gave me as it lulled into my ear.

"You need to get the fuck out," I warned, backing away and stumbling onto the bed behind me. The little shit didn't move even the smallest muscle. He just stood there, nostrils flared, watching me closely. "Why are you even here?!"

"I told you that you intrigue me."

"Well let me ‘intrigue’ you from a distance so I don't have to blow your damn brains out..." I mumbled. A deep chuckled reverberated off the surrounding grey walls while he tugged gently at his bandana snuggled around his hair. He blew up at a curls hat had escaped and stuck to his forehead.

"I said you intrigue me, not intimidate me," he winked before promenading his way over to my bed and unwelcomingly sitting down next to me on the mattress. Instinctively, I backed away from him, not letting him get too close.

"You know, if you're here to kill me, my friend will hea-"

"Will you stop," he harshly interrupted, the dark green of his irises beaming into the light green of mine. All air hitched in my throat as my hands nervously flew up to mess with my hair. I was hopelessly trying to be as nonchalant as I could manage being practically naked in front of someone like him.

It wasn't working.

"You can take that sheet off, honey" he lowly snickered, swiftly tugging the thin fabric onto the floor and smirking at me, not breaking eye contact. I gasped instantly as the cold air lingered over my exposed skin. Goosebumps poked out immediately, splotching my arms and stomach.

“Stop!” I rushed to pull something, anything back over me.

“No, no!” he laughed, “I can take my shirt off too if that would make you feel more comfortable.”

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