Chapter 4: Entrance Exams

Start from the beginning

“WELCOME LITTLE LADIES ARE YOU READY?!” Nobody says anything except a random girl in the crowd. “There is also a boy here!” “Oh yeah! Hi Izuku!! Why don't you give your Auntie Mic a hug~?” She says in a happy slightly flirty tone, I get up with Katsumi and we walk down to Auntie Mic, what I didn't notice was that as we were passing Hagakure, Katsumi was glaring at her.

We arrive at the stage and I give Auntie Mic her hug, I try to keep a poker face up but my tails start wagging with happiness, she sees this and tries to taunt me about it. “Oh~ someone likes to see their Aunt~.” “W-well I haven't seen you in three months *pout*” I say with a small blush on my face, Katsumi joins us in the hug and kisses me on the cheek, making me blush more.

After heading back to our seats and the rest of the presentation Auntie Mic asks of there are any questions. “NOW ARE THERE ANY QUESTIONS?” As soon as she finishes the question a girl with blue hair raises her hand and stands up. “Ma'am! May I ask a question?” “GO RIGHT AHEAD!” “What is your relationship with the cute boy from earlier?” “Oh Izuku? He's my nephew. Why don't you say hi Izuku?” She says as a spotlight shines on me and Katsumi, I panic seeing that Katsumi and I are currently kissing at the moment. “*Blush* W-w-wha huh?!” I stutter out after pulling away from Katsumi, the tall girl stares at me with a deep blush on her face and the other girls in the auditorium makes comments about me.

Once the embarrassment was finished Katsumi and I have to separate because we are in different test cities. We kiss goodbye before I get on my bus, when I sit down I turn on my phone, put in some headphones, and listen to some music. The other girls around the bus start talking about me thinking I can't hear them.

Soon we arrive at City B and I go to the locker rooms to get changed, I head to the boys locker room and put in my dark green tracksuit. “Thank God Cementos made a changing room for me.” I say as I start stretching. I look around and see Uraraka breathing heavily. 'She seems nervous, I'll go reassure her.’ As I walk towards her I'm stopped by a soft hand on my shoulder, I turn around and see the blue haired girl from before looking at me with a blush on her face. “U-um… H-Hi, my name's T-Tenri Iida. It's n-nice to meet y-you.” She says as she holds out her hand, I shake her hand and say: “N-nice to meet you too Iida-san, I'm Izuku Aizawa.” I smile at her and I swear I can see steam coming out of her ears, I pay it no mind and wait for the exam to start completely forgetting about Uraraka at the moment. “GO!” As soon as I hear that I dash into the city and start destroying any robots I can find, the other contestants are confused as to why I'm in the city already. “WELL DON'T JUST STAND THERE! FOLLOW HIM!” I can already assume that's Auntie Mic and I laugh a little as I send ice at a group of 3-pointers.

After about seven minutes into the exam I have around 175 points. “Alright I should have plenty of points, let me just deal with this group of robots and I'll stop.” I say as I launch fire and lightning at the group of robots. As I hop run around looking for anyone who needs help, I reach the middle section where we started and I feel the ground start to shake. Multiple buildings collapse and people start running away shouting “It's the 0 point Trap Robot!” Or “Run!”. I was about to run away myself but I hear a yelp of pain. “Ow!” I turn around as the dust clears and I see that Uraraka has her legs trapped under some rubble, I start having flashbacks of past memories. ‘“It would be bad if you tripped *smile*” “Mom! I can be a hero like you and All might!” “I love you Katsumi!” “You can never be a hero, you useless piece of shit!” "Be the kind of hero you can be proud of my son..."’

My body moves on it's own and I start running toward her. I start to glow a vibrant emerald green while feeling power flow into me, and more weight where my tails are. Using this new power I what appears to be teleport and I'm right in front of the robot, I use that power again and I'm in the air in front of the robots face. “I don't care if I lose my points, I WON'T LET ANYONE DIE!” I shout as I charge the power of my elements into this one attack while activating One for All. “ELEMENTAL SMASH!!!!” I shout as I hit the robot with and uppercut sending it into space. I sigh in relief before a start falling down, while panicking I remember what I did before and I try it again. It worked but this time I ended up face planting into the concrete, apparently I need to work on my landings. After getting up I brush myself off I immediately rush over to Uraraka. “Uraraka-san! Are you alright?!” I shout with concern, she opens her tightly closed eyelids and looks up to see me. 'Oh wow… she's beautiful. I never did get a good look at her earlier did I?’ I think to myself before shaking that out of my head. “H-Hey Aizawa-kun, yeah I'm alright but my feet are stuck.” 'OMG HE'S NOT WEARING A SHIRT!!’ She says gesturing to the rubble all over her lower body and thinks as she looks at my chest and abs, I remove the rubble from on top of her and I pick her up bridal style before starting to walk out of the area, as I hear: “TIME'S UP” I sigh in relief and keep walking. I didn't notice that I was shirtless, so I'm obviously questioning why the other examinees either have nosebleeds, faint, or pull out their phones. 'Where did they even get their phones?’ I wonder as I see recovery girl coming this way, I rush to her and call out her name. “Chiyo-chan!” “Hey Izu! How- *blush* Where's your shirt?! *Small nosebleed*(Recovery girl will be in her twenties in this story, because I can) She says with a massive blush on her face. I look down and see Uraraka snuggling against my bare chest while blushing and smiling. My face becomes so flushed I can't even get coherent words out. “O-ok calm down Izuku, what's wrong with her?” Chiyo-chan asks as she examinees Uraraka. “H-H-Her l-legs are broken.” I say as Uraraka squeezes me, I look down at her and ask her what's wrong. “Are you ok Uraraka-san?” “Y-Yes I'm fine Aizawa-kun, it's just you're so warm, I love it. And I can hear your heatbeat~..” She says as she snuggles further into my chest. Chiyo-chan uses her quirk to heal Uraraka, but Uraraka falls asleep in my arms. “Alright, she's good to go. Go put her in the recovery room and put on a shirt, I don't know how much longer these girls can hold themselves back, Especially that pink one.” I look to where she is pointing and sure enough there is a pink skinned girl who is drooling and rubbing her thighs together. I take the hint and walk off with Uraraka in my arms, as I'm walking away Chiyo-chan notices something and tells me about it. “Hey Izu! You have your sixth tail!” I immediately stop in my tracks and look behind and down and surely enough, I've grown another tail. To which I explode with excitement and accidentally use that earlier power and now I'm in front of Katsumi who appears to have been waiting at the gate. “AHH! Woah! *Sees Katsumi* Hey babe! Guess what?! I got another tail!!” I yell as I show her my new tail. She looks at me with excitement and love as she kisses me deeply, I kiss back and we stay there for a few minutes. Once we separate Katsumi grabs my right arm and pushes it between her boobs, she then asks me about Uraraka. “What's with this round face girl?” “Katsumi be nice. Her names Uraraka, I saved her from falling at the gate remember? And just a few minutes ago I saved her from the trap robot… but now I have 0 points… I'm so sorry Katsu, I failed.” I say as tears come out of my eyes. She tries and fails to keep in a laugh and start laughing hysterically. “H-Hey! D-don't make fun of me!” “Haha! O-Oh honey, you're amazingly smart but sometimes you can be so dumb haha!” She continues laughing as I pout and walk away. Soon enough she catches up and says she's sorry. “Hey Deku-sama! I'm sorry! But let me explain!” “Hmph!” I grumble out as I walk faster, I stop after a bit and turn to her. “Explain” “Alright then. What's the true essence of a hero?” “Sel-” “Self-sacrifice right? Now think about it, do you really think they would kick out someone, a boy much less, who embodies what it means to be a hero?” As she says that I realize that she's right, and that I actually passed the exam! I use that power from earlier and instantly appear in the recovery room, I put Uraraka down and appear back at Katsumi. “I really need to name these abilities.” I say with slight irritation. I pull Katsumi closer by grabbing her hips, making her yelp as I pull her into a deep kiss. She returns it and we go into an all out war with our tongues, as out tongues start to coil around each other my hands slowly move down and firmly grab her ass. She gasps in surprise as she tightens her hold around my neck, pulling her even closer to me.

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