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So to all my readers...I'm so sorry. One of my other books got deleted and I just stopped writing.
Master Adrien
I close and lean on the marble door. I could faintly hear her whimpers. I look down and my blood stained hands, I was...trembling. My whole body was trembling and I had this awful gnawing feeling in my chest. I could feel my eyes were a bright red.
"You don't look so good."
I look up to see Nate. I sigh as I try to clear my mind and calm down. His green eyes flashed at me.
"What's so important about that girl. I mean she is beautiful, for a dog, but still. You seem to be putting in a lot of effort."
I sigh and run my hands through my hair.
"We can have that conversation later but a wolf, a rouge she said, managed to get past our security and into the gardens. It attacked her," I say calmly as I start walking back to the gardens. Nate hot on my trail. We approached the scene and Nate grunt in disgust.
"It's blood recks," he says. I look down at the mangled body.
"Fuck, how the hell did he get in here," I groan as I tell Nate to call a meeting. He runs off and I look at the mangled wolf. She crosses my mind.
I had lost my mind once I returned to my office and noticed she was gone. I thought she had run away. My breaths come faster and I feel my eyes flashing red. I could have lost her.
But her whimpers, her cries, the blood. I look up and realized she was bleeding everywhere. Her sweet blood mingled with the rotten smell of the rouge. I mind linked our doctor.
Doctor Martha please go down to the dungeon immediately. There is a wolf girl there that I would like you to fix and keep alive.
It takes a few seconds but she responds yes. I head
To my room and take a shower. Her whimpers echo in my mind.
I groan as I start to open my eyes. I look around and everything is white. I sit up quickly as I realize I didn't feel any pain. I throw the thin white sheet off my body to show that only thin pink scars where left from the damage I had taken.
"I see you are awake." I look up to see a tall dark hair women. She was holding a note pad. "You are the Kings pet. I'm Doctor Martha." She says then smiles up at me. My eyes widen, I've never seen a vampire give me a friendly smile.
"Hi...I'm Rae. I'm all healed?" I say confused.
"Yes the King came by gave you some of his blood. Most vampire blood is toxic but the Kings blood can actually heal," she says happily as she sits next to me.
"The King..." I say softly as I look down and sigh.
The door opens and in walk Adrien. I look up and been though the pain was gone now, doesn't mean I still didn't feel it. I wince and bring my legs up to cover myself.
"You are awake now. Come" he says simply. He turns around and takes one step. "Come." He says a bit more stern but I don't move. My body starts to tremble.
"Sell me back" I say softly.
"Leave us," Master says as he turns around. His eyes flowed bright red and Doctor Martha quickly left the room.
"I will not. And you will no longer disobey me."
I frown and glare back "I. Don't . Want. To. Be . Here."
I could see Adrien was losing his temper. He took long strides towards me until his face was inches from mine.
"Did you not learn your lesson? Do you really want more punishments ?" He growls into my ear.

My face turns red and my eyes burst with tears. I let out a choked sob, "P-please just kill me." I whimper softly but my eyes burned with hatred. He looks at me confused and sighs. He stands back up.

"I won't Kill you Rae."

I look at him confused. Thats all vampires wanted to do was kill. Why didn't he drain me. Why did he use his blood to save me...

"King. She said you are a king?" I ask curiously my eyes still bursting.

"He is the King of the Vampires. Thats why you obey him so easily sometimes," I hear Daisy say in my mind. I roll my eyes. Of course during the bad parts she would leave me to suffer alone and then come back like she owns the place.

"Yes I am King and yours as well," he says as he looks over me, "I want you to submit to me."

My eyes widen as I look up at you. He didn't mean... the werewolf way of submitting...right? He just wanted me to give up.

"I will mark you as mine."

His words echo in my mind. and a fury builds up inside of me. "How dare you say that. How dare you try to make a mockery of me!" I scream at him, "I am not some dog! I am not a pet!"

His hand goes up and wraps around my throat. not tight but a firm grip. I let out a squeal.

"I am having a party. And anyone who is looking at you will know they are looking at the king. Once I mark you as mine you will be a walking symbol of the king and untouchable," he growls softly to me. Red spots forming in his eyes, "I want to mark my property."

I let out a soft whine as his hand moves to back of my head, his fingers tangling in my hair. His head bends down to the soft spot between my shoulders and collarbone. I shake my head and push at him.

"No! No please...please Master...I-I am begging, if you do that..n-no one will ever," I think softly. had I ever imagined a normal life? Finding my mate? My mate who would mark and mate with me. If adrien did this...even my mate wouldn't take me. I would be someone elses. The wolves would hate me even more for being too weak to defend myself. I let out a cry of loss as his lips touch my bare skin. I hear him take in a shaky breath and let it out in a low rumble

"Rae you need to learn to shut your mouth," he mumbles against my skin and stands back up. He reaches into his back pocket and pulls out a collar that had a gem in the middle of it. Inside the gem were the letters A.K. My head tilts as he puts it around my neck. "My mark, mutt" He says his eyes back to their golden color. I hear my wolf howl in happiness which makes me mad. Why didn't she stop him from marking us? Even she should be upset he tried to make us unavailable to our mate.

But I let out a long sigh of relief as I touch the cold gem. "I-it is pretty. Thank you," I say softly and he looks at me surprised. He lets out a long low laugh and I squeak in my own surprise. 

"Good girl, now lets go, the party is tonight and I can't have you looking like a real dog," He says and picks me up bridal style. I whine and grab onto him.

"I can walk!" I cry out my face turning bright red.

"Hush, you are still naked and I don't want others seeing the good parts. Additionally, I want you to keep your ears and tail out all night and stay by my side unless I tell you otherwise. And I mean it. No drifting away from me. I don't want you to get hurt."

I am surprised by his last words but I guess he wanted to be the only person that hurts me. I nod my head.

"Fine," I mumble as he carries me to his room.

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