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It was hard to wipe Rae's petrified face from my mind. Clove was supposed to keep her from getting to the room. It was safer for her to stay away. I looked over at Claras pets were were still passed out from their blood loss. They tasted good but they didn't taste anything like Rae's. I was still hungry. 

"My King," Clara purred. Her body was pressed up against mine. The sheets were wrapped around us in a whirlwind. She looked up at me. What we did last night, no way Rae could survive that. I don't think her little mind even understood the realm of pleasure. She knew about mating, but I don't think she knew the process of it. "You little toy walking in here really upset you last night."

"I was not worried about her. The Dire's are wanting her. Surprisingly Lucas was the one negotiating it."

"You really should just give her to him. It help calm the waters. Lucas is going to be Alpha soon and I am sure he still hates you for killing his mate. And from I heard he isn't too fond of his wife to be."

"No werewolf likes being with someone other than their mate," I snorted

I sighed and ran my fingers through my hair. She had a point. Lucas have never liked me...well none of the alphas had ever liked me. We had at a time been powerful allies but now that I was overruling King. They hated I had control above them. It tainted their alpha image. 

I sat up pushing Clara off of me. I had to see what the damage was from the party and I needed to find Rae. I also needed to punish Clove for doing such a shitty job. She usually was really diligent. 

"I guess I should get going too... you know all of the hard work I do," she purrs and gets dressed. She slaps her pets. The human stays limp on the floor while the werewolf groaned. "The human is dead. If you could just toss him for me. Those humans never last long." She said picking up the werewolf. "Just call me if you need anything Adrian. I do like...spending time together." 

I smiled at her. Clara had a lot of property and thus was a high ranking vampire. She had always been close with Nate and I...at times I think Nate fancied her. But she always had her eyes on me. She was a woman who craved power. And sex with her was pretty great. 

I took a shower then got dress. Rae's face still crossing my mind. She had looked so lovely in that dress. Everyone had their eyes on her, she would be the center of attention for awhile now. Since most mutts were dead at this point Rae was probably one of the last half-breeds. I am sure the Dire's were already trying to dig through her past to try to figure out how she even lived. I was a bit curious but for vampires that didn't really matter. Blood was blood. Exact rouges...rogues tasted pretty nasty. 

The moment I walked out of my room there was Clove. She was on the ground bowing down to me. Her body was trembling. 

"M-my King-I-I know, I have failed, I am so sorry. I should have paid better attention," her voice was barely above a whisper, but I heard her loud and clear. 

"Tell me why did you fail Clove."

"After Rae left with Granny Beatrix - they just disagreed. I roamed the gardens and couldn't find them. Nate told me he say Rae heading to your room. I am so sorry my King."

There was truth to Cloves words. Granny was a wild woman I shouldn't have let her take Rae. I just hoped she didn't play some mean trick on her. I sighed.

"Do you at least know where she is?"

"In the gardens...she dug herself into a hole."

I nodded and dismissed her. I would figure out a punishment for her later. Her family were hard workers and were always loyal to me. There was no way a little human like her could stand up against a witches tricks. 

I used the shadows to make my way to the gardens. It took me a while to find her. She had dug herself into a deep hole halfway underneath some rocks. It was a good hiding spot, it was difficult to smell her with the waterfall disrupting the air and the smell of the ground. Her white underdress was covered in dirt and she was sleeping. Her ears twitched a lot but her body was rhymically asleep. 

"Rae wake up," I growled louder than I meant to. 


I jerked awake. My dreams had just been a reply of what I had seen when I was with Granny. I tried to get more clues, trying to figure out what exactly it meant. But I wasn't sure. I didn't know what to look for. 

I sat up from my cool dark whole. My dress was damp and so was my hair. I rubbed my eyes knocking dirty off of my face. I looked up to see Adrian towering over me. I crawled up and out of my hole.  I shook myself. I wasn't sure what to say or do so I just stayed still.

"Why didn't you find Clove?"

"I-I just thought-that I could go to the room-Um-" I didn't know how to explain to him that I seemingly passed out outside. That Lucas had a conversation with me, which I am sure he would not like. "I was overwhelmed at the party. I am sorry Master."

He looked over me, "As punishment clean my room. Top to bottom. Sparkling."

I nodded my head shaking myself again. 

"And call me when you are ready to take a bath. You will probably want to take one after you clean the room anyways," and with that he was gone. I sighed and slowly made my way out of the gardens. 

"Rae," I hear Clove's soft voice. I look over at her and her eyes were filled with tears. "I am so sorry this is my fault. I-I lost sight of you and-"

"Clove its okay. Things are okay-" I say smiling. She looked surprise for a second and then smiled back. 

"I will bring up cleaning supplies. The room is a mess," she rolls her eyes and walks away. I make my way to the room. I stopped as I heard voices in the hallway. I peeked around the corner seeing Nate and Clara kissing. She had him pressed up against the wall, his hands tangled in her hair. I gasped and hide back behind the wall. 

My ears twitched as I no longer heard anything and when I looked back around they were gone. I just prayed they didn't see me...oh no maybe they smelled me. I panicked inside hoping I didn't see something I wasn't supposed to. 

I went into our room frowning at the sight before me. It reeked of blood and one of Clara's pets laid lifeless on the floor. His body had already begun to smell. Blood covered the wood floors. There were torn up sheets and clothes. No wonder he was doing this as a punishment. It would take all day 

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