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My dream was the same violent one. Unfortunately when the red eyes came instead of waking up I was drifting in darkness. As I stared at the nothingness a glowing white light seemed to come closer and closer to me. I stared at it for a second before it was right in front of me.

I was looking at myself. But in a way it wasn't me. She had my face, but her eyes seemed more of an icy blue than my dark blue eyes. Her hair surrounded her like a cloak, her hair was also a more golden white than my darker blonde. But our face and body were the same. She came closer to me holding out her arms. But I felt scared, as if touching her would bring something I did not want.

But that didn't stop her as she floated closer to me her arms wrapping around me, her hair blanketing us. 

I was now in the middle of a shallow pond. I looked over to see a group of people whose faces were blurred. My body moved on its own, only then did I register there were a couple standing in front of me. Their faces were clear as day. 

The man was standing with bright brown eyes and the girl...I felt a familiar sense. She had blue eyes like mine but her hair was short and brown. We had similar features but she was a bit shorter than me, her cheeks still holding a bit of plumpness to them.

My hands were moving as their mouthes moved in unison, speaking something I didn't know. But my mouth was moving as well responding to whatever they had told me. They had their arms out to me where I grabbed their forearms. 

I felt a surge of light pass through me before feeling heat in my hands. When I pulled away there were black diamond, from that Dimond black swirls patters formed in a band around their arms. Then the noise hit me.

They embossed each other as I heard cries of celebration. The roar of the crowd filling my ears and soon everything felt to real. 

Even the pride and love in my Chest that radiated in my body as I looked at the now marked couple. 

But in what felt like an instant the moon was over the sky now, the brightness of the morning now gone. The man from earlier laid motionless in the water, his blood mixing with the light lap of the water. He had black markings over his forehead and his head was twisted to hard to the side. 

Bright blue eyes glowed at me, the girl suddenly had my wrists grasped in hers.

For eternity you will feel what I have felt. This is your curse. 

She screamed in my head yet her mouth didn't move. I felt the hot sharp pain of markings on my wrists and ankles. I gasped for air as the markings burned themselves into my neck. My vision blurred and I was now also in the water. I couldn't look up but I could see that someone new had joined. From what I could tell it was a mans legs. Then blood sprayed out over the ground and her body fell backward. Her head perfectly aligned with the man she was marked with. 


I woke up startled. I reached around the bed yet found nothing. My nose twitches as I tried to find Adrians scent but he wasn't in the room. I was covered in sweat so I took a shower. When I got back out there was Clove standing by the door. She smiled and embraced me in a big hug. 

I instantly felt relief and relaxed into her embrace. A human couldn't harm me, there was no way she even could. So with her I felt my most safe. 

"Come on lets get some food into you, our King is out doing errand and other kingly things," I followed her down the hallways until Nate had suddenly appeared in front of us. He stared down at us and Clove immediately bowed down. 

"Lord Nate," she whispered. He grunted in response.

"Leave us human," he spit out the word as if it was something disgusting, "I will attend to the mutt."

I frowned at Nate. I knew he didn't like me, he had gone out of his way to avoid me. I was also still a bit confused about his scene with Clara. Clove quickly ran off, I could smell the fear radiating off of her. 

"Mutt," Nate growled as he continued the way towards the kitchen. There was food on the table and he motioned for me to take a seat. I gulped as he watched me eat. Something about him watching me made feel, terrified. After sitting in silence for what seemed like eternity he finally sighed. 

"Your time is limited here you understand that right?" he asked eyeing me. I nodded my head. I knew in a household full of vampires I wouldn't last very long. My life at the time was completely in Adrians hands. I fiddled with the gem attached to the collar around my neck. "Did you like Lucas? He showed great interest in you."

"I-I am not sure. We met just briefly and his parents didn't seem to like me," I mumbled. 

"But you would probably feel better around other wolves. What pack did you come from before you ending up in the Slave trade?"

I thought for a moment, probing into my memories. I could see my fathers face. Just his blue eyes starting back at me, his face aged. My mother I couldn't recall, maybe just a whips of black hair that hinted to me. 

"I am not sure. I was kept as a lower wolf, I was just there," I say softly but my head fogged over. I couldn't focus on the present much less the past. He just narrowed his eyes at me obviously frustrated about something. But I couldn't pin point what. As I looked over him I noticed  a scar coming up from his chest, the tip of it stopping in the middle of his neck. It looked oddly familar and before I could even process what I was doing I had touched the scar. 

Instantly we were enveloped in darkness. Images flashed across my mind. Each was of Nathaniel. Him as child, human and innocent. There was a woman carving up his body. Dissecting him as his mouth opened in a mouthless scream. 

I watched in horror reaching forward. But as I did pain radiated from my stomach. The scene was gone and I was looking down at the hand in my stomach. I let out a stifling cry. His eyes were now burning a bright green and his fangs elongated past his chin. 

Then he was off me. Lucas was towering in front of me, facing Nate who had turned up right again. My mind buzzed in confusion. I didn't realize Lucas was still here. Or had he just arrived. I looked down at the whole in my stomach were blood was now steadily pouring out. I felt an icy cold shiver go over my skin. 

I don't think I could be saved this time

The Vampires Petजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें