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I look over to the corner and freeze as I see a shadow in the outline of a tall person. There was no one there other than the shadow, I rub my eyes wondering if I was seeing things. Was I posined? Drugged?

The shadow moves.

I gasp and jump off the couch. The shadow moved closer to me and I start to tremeble. Then a person start walking out of the shadow, no, the shadow was becoming a person. Not a person, a vampire. Adrien

Adrien is extremly tall and the first thing I notices is his amber eyes. It was a strange color, a mixture of amber, hazel, brown, and gold. It seemed to almost be moving. Then I notice his midnight black hair that was short. His skin was also very pale like most vampires.

He looks over me then comes closer. I dare not move a muscle or make a sound. I was so nervous I could hear my rapid heart pound in my ear.

He just looks over me and his nose scrutches up. In disgust, I felt a sting of pain in my chest. Did his disgust make me self consious about myself? Why would I care what this vampire thinks?

"Disgusting, take a bath," he mummbles and opens one of the doors. It is a closet and he starts looking for clothes. I quikcly scurry to other door and close it. I lean against the door and put my hand over my heart.

What was this feeling? It made my chest feel tight and sent chills through my whole upper body, but I felt relaxed at the same time. Did he make me feel this way? I must be so scared and nervous, that is probably why.

I turn and look around at the huge bathroom. It is all dark marble like the rest of the castle but everything the sinks,bath, and shower were gold.

But what caught my attention was the mirror. Or more specifically my reflection in the mirror. My blonde hair looked brown since it was covered in mud. My blue eyes were rimmed red. My olive skin was covered in dirt and blood. I was much skinnier than I remeber, but I had also noticed my hips were wider and my chest was bigger.

The last time I had seen my relection was when I was 11.

I quickly go into the shower and turn on the water. I shiver as I feel the cold water on my body and wait for it to turn warm. Somehow the change of tempture helped my body calm down. I use a bit of the mens shampoo and conditioner to clean my hair. I watch as the dirty and blood rinse off my body into the drain.

I use the soap to clean myself off. I sigh as I finish then step out and use the towel to dry myself off. I wonder if I would be punished for using his stuff and towels. Well I was going to die soon anyway. I was at least glad I was clean for my death.

I look back into the mirror. My silver blonde har was plastered against my body. I wring out the water of my hair and run my fingers through it. My skin looked much better and my eyes didn't look so red. I pinch my cheeks and lips to bring more color into them.

Wait, why was I grooming? I didn't care what he thought of me. I was just going to die anyway.

I walk out and notice the room is empty. I sniff the air. I can smell his sent but not see him. I sigh.

I sit on the couch and cover my bare chest with my arms, I bring my knees up to cover my body. Now that my body was not covered in dirt I felt very exposed.

"You are a blonde?"

I jump up and turn around. Adrien is standing there holding a strand of my long blonde hair. I nod my head slowly.

"With all the dirt you looked brunette."

I nod my head and look down.

"What is your name?"

"Rae" I say softly. I could feel his eyes burning into my skin. I feel his finger trail over my neck and down to the shoulders. His fingers feel like they are burnning my skin they are so cold. I start to tremble softly and shiver.

I did not want to die.

He removes his fingers. "On the bed"

I nod my head as I skutter over to the bed. I was terrifed of Adrien, something about him made me feel a familar feelings. The fear I felt in my dreams.

It wasn't a fear of him, but a fear of not being close to him

What is wrong with me? I sit in the middle of the bed and he follows closely to behind me. He towers over me and softly carreses my cheek. Why was he being so gentle.

I manage to gather up some courage, "Can you make it quick please?"

He raises is eyebrow a bit suprised. "I will do whatever I want."

All the sudden I am laying on my back. The vampire was on top of me. I close my eyes and try to make myself look small. I just wanted this to be over with. His hand pushes back my hair close to my neck.

I keep my eyes closed as I feel his head lean down. I feel his soft breathe on my neck as he sniffs me. I hear a soft growl as he leans back.

"I want you to run as fast as you can. Get as far as you can away from here," he gets off of me and the door opens all of the sudden. I slowly walk to the door.

Was this a trap?

"you have a head start of 10 minutes."

I tense up, it was a game. I heard vampires did this a lot, they loved the hunt.

I sprint out and notice that only certain doors were open. I ran into these doors and it eventually lead me outside. I stop for a second and take in a deep breath. I was weak for a werewolf in the First place so now that I have been beaten and starved my strength was that of a humans. I was an embarrassment to all werewolves. There was a pool and a small lawn but then there was woods for what seemed like miles.

I should have grabbed a blanket or jacket because it was extremly cold. Even my wolf couldn't warm me up. I look up and notice that is snowing and it was staring to pile up on the ground.

I run towards the trees but before I can get far I feel the same eyes burning into my skin. I turn back to see Master standing on the roof. Large black wings sprouted from his back.

Wings? I thought it was just a myth vampires had wings? But I had heard that noble vampires have wings.

A chill runs through my body as I notice Adrien's eyes. They were bright red.

Like in my dreams.

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