Chapter 17

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The Third Holmes Brother


The Doctor had gotten there just in time to see Merlin give Arthur the elixir. He had gone on a different path through the woods and his horse had been able to carry him the whole way, thankfully. The Doctor dismounts and sonics Arthur's limp form which is still cradled in Merlin's lap.

"Was I in time?" Merlin asks, tears running down his cheeks, eyes filled with worry and begging for the answer he desperately needs.

"Just barely," replies the Doctor, still reading the information on his sonic. "The blade is mere centimeters from piercing his heart, you gave him the elixir just in time. Well done, Merlin," the Doctor adds consolingly.

The Doctor looks towards the Lake.

"Call Kilgharrah," the Doctor commands. "He can get us to the lake quickly."

Merlin calls Kilgharrah, and the dragon arrives within three minutes. They mount up, Arthur inbetween the Doctor and Merlin for security. They reach the lake after only fifteen minutes, and Kilgharrah lands in a clearing. Quickly, they dismount. Merlin carries Arthur by the underarms while the Doctor takes his feet and they make towards the edge of the Lake.

They gently lie Arthur down and the Doctor extracts the Cup from his pocket and holds it out to Merlin.

"Take this and go to the water," the Doctor instructs. "You have to say a spell and get water from the Lake. Don't ask me what spell, I don't know. All I know is, it will come to you. You just have to have faith, Merlin."

Merlin doesn't say anything, he's scared that it won't work. There isn't any hope. Arthur is already gone. He takes the Cup from the Doctor's hands anyway, and walks to the waterside.

Merlin closes his eyes and breaths deeply, searching inside himself for those precious words.


Future Merlin had been following his old self and the Doctor the entire way to the Lake. He had given his horse another boost of energy, so Merlin had stayed almost directly underneath Kilgharrah the entire time. Merlin had left his horse back under the cover of the woods, while he made his way closer to the edge of the woods. He hides behind a tree, listening intently to what the Doctor says to his past self about having to search in himself for the spell.

Merlin suddenly becomes aware of what he needs to say, knowing a little in advance of past him. He sees his past self extend his arms holding the Cup. Both Merlins take a deep breath then start talking in the ancient tongue of the Druids. They say the spell twice, and with their combined magic, that's all they need. A cloud forms overhead and it starts pouring rain and lightning bolts strike the Lake. The water starts to sparkle and shine and fizz, and a thick layer of fog emanates from it.

It stops abruptly, the sky clears, the fog disperses. The Lake is now bright blue, the waves sine gold and silver.


Merlin hurriedly dips the cup into the sparkling Lake and rushes back to Arthur. Merlin lifts Arthur's head up and puts the cup to his lips, which are slightly parted. The water pours down Arthur's throat, the feeling of life starts emanating throughout his body. When the water is all gone, Merlin sets the Cup on the ground and places his now free hand on Arthur's chest.

He can feel it. He can feel the magic coursing through Arthur's veins giving him life. Arthur's pulse quickens, his breathing regulates but his eyes stay shut.

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