Heart of Glass

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But not so alone.


But a few deep breaths and words on a screen bring me back.

My mind is made of stone sometimes.

But my heart is always made of glass.

I'm not incapable of being polite.

I just prefer to not sugarcoat.

I don't like hiding how I feel.

That's why there's been so much drama this year.

I feel scared.

And helpless.

And I hate it.

I want to be okay.

I want to be strong enough to not second guess.

Not only myself but others too.

I feel weak.

And pathetic.

And annoying.

And a lot of other stuff too.

Blaring music makes it better.

And writing too.

It's all that I have.

And it's all that I need.

I can be nice.

I don't try and make stuff all about me.

But we are all the protagonists of our own stories.

So you'll have to forgive me for being petty and dramatic every now and then.

But don't underestimate me.

I'm capable of being friendly to people.

Even if I would rather be doing anything else.

And besides, we've made up.

At least a little.

I'm okay.

I've moved on.

I just hope she sees that too.

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