Chapter 76: "I'll go get him."

Start from the beginning

"Good idea."

"I texted you the address of the station he's being held at." Harry tells me and pulls me into a hug, "I'll wait for Louie in his room. Think we need to have a proper talk."

"Okay." I nod as he gives me a quick peck on the lips.

Harry opens the door for me and I go out and head towards the elevator.

Twenty minutes later I'm walking into the commissariat where Louie is being held.

I don't make it more than five steps inside the door before I hear him yelling through the building.

"Give me my call gov'ner!" He calls out in a slurred voice.

Lovely, he's still drunk. I was really hoping he had sobered up a bit.

I walk up to the desk and inform the gentleman sitting at it that I'm Louis' sister.

I'm walked through several rooms before I'm led into one where Louie is sitting in a chair next to an officer's desk. A highly annoyed officer's desk.

"Ah my sister arrives!" Louie yells, throwing his arms up in the air, "Save me my dear sister from this wretched place!"

I roll my eyes at him as the officers head shoots up to look at me.

"Ava McCain?" He asks.

I nod, "Yes, I'm here to collect my brother if I may."

"It's still being decided if he will be allowed to leave or if he is going to get processed." The officer informs me.

"Give me freedom.. Or give me death!" Louie shouts, standing up.

"Shut up!" I order, pushing him back down.

"I'm very sorry officer." I smile at him and lower my voice. "My brother is somewhat mentally challenged and needs to be quite looked after you see."

"Well that explains some things." The officer nods at me as Louie gives me a dirty look.

"Given the circumstances, I'll speak to my supervisor about getting him released." He says before getting up and leaving the room.

I don't even let the door shut before I swiftly smack Louie upside the head.


"Serves you right! What were you thinking?!"

"Apparently I wasn't, since I'm dumb in the head and all." He sarcastically replies.

"Yes you are. Getting in a fight at a bar? Did you even think about how this would effect you if it got out? How it would effect the rest of the guys?"

"Course I wasn't. I just wanted to get pissed off my arse and have a good time. Is that to much to ask?"

"You're a member of the biggest boy band in the world, so yes, yes it is. Harry's going to kill you."

"Harry knows?" He cringes.

"Who do you think I was with when Niall came looking for me?"

"Shite! But thank you for coming to get me."

"You're welcome." I sigh.

"And you won't tell El about this right?"

"That has yet to be decided." I answer, wanting him to sweat.

The door opens as the officer comes back in, "He can go, his personal items are at the front desk."

"Thank you so much!" I smile and grab Louie's arm, yanking him up out of his chair.

Louie starts to open his mouth but I quickly cover it with my hand, "My brother says thank you too."

I push Louie out the door and towards the front desk where he gets his phone, wallet, and watch back.

When we get out to the car I make him get in the back seat.

"I'm not a child." He whines as he slams his door.

"Could of fooled me."

He scoffs as I pull out onto the road.

When we arrive back at the hotel, Louie lays down so the paps can't see him as we pull into the parking garage.

I breath a sigh of relief as we make it safely through the back entrance of the hotel and into the elevator.

As Louie steps out onto his floor he turns back around to me.

"Thanks Ava. Really. I do appreciate you saving my arse."

I nod as the doors begin to close.

"And tell Harry I'm sorry!" He quickly adds.

"Tell himself yourself." I smile.

The last thing I see before the doors close is the color draining from Louie's face.


A/N: If you are enjoying the story, please vote! I spend hours and hours writing this and it only takes a second. It would mean so much to me and to getting my story out there! Thanks!! ;)

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