Security Breach

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The cold look in her eyes could fool anyone. Her appearance screamed teenager, but when you really looked at her you didn’t see a thing. She was like a visible spirit, and that was just what we needed.

“You are going to be a ghost.” I whispered into the walkie. I could see her nod her head in acknowledgement from the next building over. I sat on the roof, binoculars in one hand and a tight grip on the walkie talkie in the other.

“If anyone tries to talk to you; just smile and say you’re late for something. Don’t stop, and do not let them start a conversation.” I said into the device. “They’ll know you aren’t actually me.”

The clone walked straight through the halls. One hand shoved into her jeans, the other rocking back and forth by her side as she strut. I watched her intensely through the windowed building. I could see her walk casually by all of the offices and turn when I asked.

“Ok stop!” I yelled loud enough for her to immediately respond.

“Walk through the hallway on your left, stay silent.” I whispered as if it would help.

“The last door on your right will lead you to an office. The office will be empty.” She nodded again as she took the last few steps.

“I won’t be able to spot you when you’re in there. But theirs a painting across from the door, you’ll have to remove it. Behind, will be a safe where you will type in the code I inked onto your wrist. As soon as the door unlocks grab the contents of that safe and leave the room casually, but quickly.” I instructed. “The removal of the items will set off a silent alarm that will notify them of a security breach. I will disable the cameras once you get to the office.” She nodded once more then stopped outside the office door. Her fingers framed the handle but froze before touching it. She redirected that hand into her pocket and pulled out a pair of gloves that swiftly glided on.

“Cameras disabled in three,” I mumbled “Two,” I sighed and typed into my computer “Go, go, go!”

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