Wedding Day.

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Wedding Day.

I knew it was time. The beautiful bride was set to walk out any minute now. She would strut down the isle in all her glory. She knew what she was getting herself into so why was i so nervous? It was her wedding day too.

Darcy and Logan walked out holding hands. They were the cutes kids i had ever seen in their little outfits. Darcy in a dazzling pink dress and Little Logan in a black tux with the same pink tie. They each held a symbolic item. Darcy hugged a bouquet of flowers and Logan held a small pillow with the two sterling silver rings attached.

They crept closer and stopped on either side of the paster. I anxiously watched as the music continued. I knew in a mere matter of seconds the love of my life was going to pass through those doors.

On cue she walked out. The most beautiful woman i had ever laid eyes on. A wide smile present and i knew her well enough to know that on the inside she was dying. She had told me countless times during out late nights out that she hated being the centre of attention and the wedding was no exception.

Her vail- less face was vibrant as she walked over to me. My mouth curved into a wide smile as i watches her near. So much so that my cheeks hurt from grinning so widely. She continued closer her gaze looking passed me. "I love you" i mouthed to her but she continued smiling ignoring my words as she stared at my best friend. The guy she was getting married to. The one who stole her from me while we were in university. And the one who i knew was going to grow old with her, the only thing i wanted to do; whisked away as i watched her stop next to him.

"I cant do this...i thought i could, but i cant." I whispered to the friend who took me under his wing after she dumped me. The love of my life left me for my best friend and was now marrying him. I was glad i declined being the best man as i watched the happy couple with hot stinging tears rolling down my cheeks from the pews of family and friends. Even from my distance i felt like i was getting torn apart.

With every millisecond that passed the fire in my heart was growing, burning as much of my soul as possible without killing the physical vessel that was my body.

"Its almost over." I heard him whisper as he tried to calm me.

I whiped my hand against my tear stained cheeks and as the words "I do" fell from their mouths i pushed myself out of the seat and ran. Ignoring the eyes that were burning into my back. Ignoring the judging thoughts and comments i heard being mumbled around. And ignoring my shattered heart, as the pieces craved for her touch, her warmth, her love and affection. Something i knew i would never have. Not after this wedding day.

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