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(The picture above is the original cover it just didn't fit properly. none of the pictures I show are mine)

*Mangle's POV*

There is no saying I don't feel invisible at least at times because life for me has always been like that. My parents really don't care if I'm alive their never around nobody's here the only one that is, is Tangle. She's been near me ever since we were born um well I guess I have to tell somebody soon okay so we went to school together until the 4th grade which was when Tangle was transferred it's been hard for me ever since.

Before that happened whenever somebody bullied me she would always get in there way, But now it's been happening 3 years none stop and I've become a little insecure so if you see me walking around with a knife on me well now ya know. Of course last year in 6th grade I reached my breaking point and I threaten to kill a kid and the bad part about that is I think he liked me so now when I look back on it I just feel bad. I think this year things are going to change though I can't go to school the first week my first day is tomorrow and Tangle told me she'd show me around.

I guess I should mention that in third grade just before Tangle transferred we made necklaces for each other I made hers with an emerald and carved a letter T in it. Tangle did mine with a pink diamond and the letter V in it I still have no idea why but still. I do have an older sister other than Tangle whose my twin her name is Funtime Foxy she was born days before us which is kinda nice I would want to be a triplet but I can see how bad that could be. Tangle came into the room I put the notebook back with the rest of them which were all full of either writing or drawings. I turned to face the door where Tangle came in.

"Hey Tangle what ya need," I said politely

*Tangle's POV*

I hate my parents sometimes, not to the point of killing but just to the point that I hate them they've been jerks to Mangle a little bit after she was born maybe they think she's not worth it but I am it's just stupid. Now I look back to the past 3 years and I feel bad for Mangle even though she was one of the richest kids in school she'd always be bullied, and yes we are a little spoiled but can you blame us? Anyway the reason why she was bullied was because of her eye you see each of us has been through an injury in the eye me and Funtime Foxy don't have our right I but we hadn't cared at all because we liked pirates we just put an eye-patch over it, but every so often I like removing it just to do it.

Mangle is a different story though her left eye got the punch and her eye was sensitive an eye-patch would infect it but she doesn't really care she can live with it. Today was Sunday so we both have to go to school tomorrow so I rushed to Mangle's room to tell her she got into the school her acceptance test results came in today and I was surprised at her score. As I opened the door I could hear Mange putting her notebook back she always had something on her. when I went in we stared at each other for a second, Mangle broke the silence

"Hey Tangle what ya need," she said politely

"Well your test results came in and guess what you passed you're coming with me tomorrow," I told excited she'd be accompanying me to the middle school tomorrow

"Oh thank god I thought I'd fail for sure," she said proudly than came over and hugged me. I do have to admit my parents did the right thing because if not Mangle would have done things she would regret later and no I don't mean what you possibly think I mean.

"Hey Tangle real quick um I met a fox in the park the other day and I think he was from Fazbear Middle school I don't know for certain though," she told me. Fazbear Middle School is the place we're going to the next few years

"There are a lot of foxes there did you get his name?" I asked

"Um Foxy but that's all I got" she explained

"Oh he and his friends are the bullies at school there in the original gang" I explained

"Oh so it's like Hogwarts than?" she said. I didn't understand cause she reads all the magic books and everything

I left the room awaiting the next day but I didn't leave without calling her Vix and her calling me Tag. I so glad that I can spend the year with my twin we were never seen apart before 4th grade and if we ever did take anything we got for granted our parents would pretty much disown us but that's another story. I sure hope Mangle's happy that she's where she is especially after what she went through up to this point cause Mangle has had a history of getting punished for no reason by her parents, just rubbed her poor red butt until the pain went away. Although she carries a knife around with her I hope the only thing she does with is to threaten and for self-defense.

*Mangle's POV*

As Tangle left the room all I'm thinking about was spending time with my sister and making new friends I can't even get to sleep. When I do get to sleep all I can see is what lead me to this all the pain, all the trauma, and all the times I had to use my knife which was only like 3 or 4 times. Sure there may be something I regret doing at all but now that I look back at what happened to me and then look to where I am now and it feels great

"The pain was worth it to get this far" I whisper into the night as a new day was getting ready to arrive, I smile as I go to sleep.

FNAF Middle School: 7th gradeWhere stories live. Discover now