[5] Apparently I'm The Center Piece Of An Upcoming War

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We had been walking for a while. I hadn't said a word... and I had a dumbfounded look on my face. I was having trouble processing everything.

"Flame Princess I think you broke him." Jake said.

"Don't call me that. Who gave you the right to give me a nickname?" Jenna snapped.

"You did when you called me plant boy."

"Well I don't like the nickname you gave me. And I called you that because you are a plant boy."

"What ever you say... princess." Jack smirked.

"Umm... guys? Did I miss something? What do these nicknames mean?" I asked in a small voice.

"It means he's a earth element. He can like talk to plants or whatever." Jenna said.

"No! We don't talk to plants!"

"Wait... so you from this realm? Or whatever this is?" I asked Jack.

"Yes. I am. And so are my parents." He said with a nod.

"Your parents.... are they.... is it true that they're the reason you started ignoring me?" I asked moving my gaze to the ground. Jacks parent's had been so nice and sweet to me when I was younger. The thought that they told Jack to ignore me didn't seem right.

Jack let out a breath as his gaze lowered to the ground beneath him. I had failed to notice at first but the ground he was walking on would instantly grow greener, and a few tiny flowers would spout up, after each step. "Yes. They were." He answered.

"Why? I thought they... liked me. I thought we were okay being friends."

"We wer- we are! I never wanted to stop being friends with you... but... i'm sorry Nathan."

"Why? What did I do to upset your parents?" I asked again.

Jack stayed silent.

"Why?" I asked again, a little more force in my voice.

Jack flinched at my tone. "Because... because of your power."

"What power? I know Jenna said I used it but I have no idea what power you're both referring to."

"Nathan." Jenna said getting my attention. "Stop asking questions. They'll all be answered soon enough and I mean soon. We're here."

Right as she said that a building came into view. The sight took my breath away. Before me was a large building that held a strong resemblance of a castle. The sun rising behind the building caused its light brown bricks to appear almost gold. There was a thick forest ti the right side of the building and a large sparkling crystal blue lake meeting the forests edge. A pleasant breeze was causing the lake water to ripple and rustling the leaves of the nearby forest. The sound of song birds was present and their songs were loud and beautiful. A path lead to the building. The path was sightly curvy and bent to the right a bit to walk you by the lake. The path was in the buildings shadow caused by the rising sun but it wasn't dark. Lining the path was a bunch of lit trochees, all equally spaced. The soft glow of the fire held by the torches was warm and calming.

"Whoa." I said, taken back by the sight.

"Lovely isn't it?" Jenna asked.

I could only nod. The sight was so beautiful that words could explain how much awe I was in.

"Welcome to your new home." Jenna said with a smile.

We were on the path passing the lake now. I couldn't help myself from running over and looking down into the water. Seeing small fish swimming away from the bank where I had just looked down.

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