He's Coming

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It's been 2 months and Kara's memories gradually came back. Barry got to Caitlyn before anything could happen to her. We haven't seen anymore of Savitar since that day a couple months ago, thank Rao. And Kara is back to her normal routine. We're all keeping an eye on her, just in case Savitar tries to hurt her again. I got a job as a private investigator and I'm really enjoying that. With all the Legion training, most cases are easy. But some of them are hard. Sometimes Kara and I team up so she can write an article on it. 

Right now, I'm at home waiting for Kara to come home. She was supposed to come home an hour ago and she's not answering her phone. I'm getting really worried. 

I pick up my phone to call Alex when the door bursts open. 

Kara stumbles in holding her side and breathing heavily.

"Kara! What is it? What's wrong?" I ask, my voice filled with worry.

She removes her hand from her side and I see blood seeping through her shirt. 

"Oh Rao!" I shout.

I rush over to her and take off my shirt and push up her shirt to see where the wound is. I press my shirt against the wound and pick her up, while still applying pressure to the wound. 

I fly her to the DEO and walk in shirtless. I see people giving me strange looks and some giving me flirty looks. I ignore them and rush to the medbay. I put Kara down on the bed and rush to find a doctor. 

The doctor runs over to assess Kara and treats the wound. 

Kara grabs onto my hand and squeezes it to help with the pain. 

I hate seeing the woman I love in so much pain. She's been through so much in the past few months. Why does a good person like Kara have to suffer? Why can't it be me instead of her?

I'm pulled out of my thoughts when I hear Kara whimper.

"Shh, baby it's okay. We're gonna take care of you." I tell her soothingly while kissing her hand.

She nods and thanks the doctor and me.

When the doctor is finished with treating the laceration, she scans for kryptonite.

"Kryptonite was definitely used to cause the injury. I'm scanning her body for kryptonite poisoning." The doctor says.

I nod my head in thanks and give Kara a kiss on the forehead.

"What happened babe?" I ask her softly.

"These men came up to me and before I knew it, I was being stabbed with kryptonite. They said "Savitar says hello." She says.

At these words my heart skips a beat. Savitar can't be coming again! We need to tell Barry.

I grab Kara's hand.

"Don't worry, we're gonna find a solution to the problem. I will protect you this time, I promise you. I love you, Kara." I say to her while gently stroking her hair.

"I love you to, Mon-El. And thank you for saving my life." She says.

"Of course. How could I possibly live without that face!" I say to her while tapping her nose. She laughs in response. 

"We need to tell Barry." I tell her, with a serious expression.

"I know. I hope everything over there is okay." She says.

"Well, there's only one way to find out." I say.


"Savitar attacked Kara a few hours ago." I tell team Flash. 

"We know. Cisco saw it happen in a vibe. We we're going to warn you, but Cisco was attacked and we couldn't breach over there. I tried creating a breach, but without another speedster, it wouldn't open. I'm so sorry Kara." Barry says.

"It's okay Barry. We're going to figure this out. Everything's going to be fine." Kara says trying to convince herself and everyone else.

"Well, we better do it fast because he's coming." I tell them.

-Sorry for this short chapter. I'm experiencing writer's block for this story. If you have any ideas, please comment them. I'd love to hear them and use them in the story. You will receive credit of course.-

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2018 ⏰

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