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Disclaimer: I do not own Supergirl, Flash, Arrow, or the Justice League.


It's been 2 days since the love of my life died right in front of me. Kara. My Kara. I miss you so much. You were my sunshine and my happiness. I don't know if I can go on. Today is her funeral as supergirl. We haven't announced her death as Kara Danvers yet because if she died at the same time, people would get suspicious. We don't want to put a target on anyone Kara loves.

-Time Jump-

"Clark, what are you doing back here. The funeral starts in a few minutes." I say to him.

"This isn't right."

"I know. She deserved happiness more than anyone."

"No I mean I think I can bring her back to life."

My heart stops at hearing this.

"Wh-at?" I say dazed. I could have Kara back in my arms. She could come back to us.

"It worked for me. Why couldn't it work for her?"

"Ok 1. Why didn't you think of this before and 2. You were dead?" I ask him.

"Well I didn't think of it until last night. All I could think about was that horrible night. Also, I died a long time ago and was brought back to life when Kara was a teenager. She didn't know I actually died. My friend Bruce Wayne called her and told her I was fine, despite what the news said. The only thing is, apparently I went crazy and tried to kill my friends because I didn't recognize anyone. All I remember was being so angry. I don't want that for Kara. But if she has a chance at living again, I think we should take it. We are prepared this time. I can grab Wonder woman, Batman, Cyborg, and Aqua man. (Pretend the Flash wasn't in the justice league. Also I'm using the plot from the movie "The Justice League" but the Superman from the show.) We can also grab Barry and his team to help us.

"We'll do whatever it takes to get her back."

I head back to the funeral and seconds later, Superman makes an appearance at Supergirl's funeral.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, I have an announcement to make. There is still hope for my cousin Supergirl. I will take her and get her help."

People started to clap and to cheer as Superman took Supergirl to receive help. There was hope for their heroin after all. There was hope for me.

-Time Jump-

We all gathered in the Fortress of Solitude around the chamber where Kara was going to be revived. Wonder Woman, Aqua Man, Cyborg, the Flash, Superman, Alex, and I we gathered around Kara. 

As fast as it started, it ended. Kara took her first breath and we watched in amazement. As soon as she realized where she was, she yanked the chords out and quickly stood up. There was a foreign look on her face that we didn't recognize. She looked angry. Uh oh. This is going to be bad.

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