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Disclaimer: I do not own Supergirl, The Flash, or Arrow


"Why are you doing this Barry?"

Evil Barry/Savitar comes up to me and throws me out of the chair I'm sitting in and onto the ground. He takes out the kryptonite sword and holds it to my face. 

"Ahh" I grunt in pain. "You don't scare me." 

"Ah Kara, of course I don't scare you . I'm your super friend." He laughs maniacally.

"Barry, I know you don't want to do this to your friends-to Iris." I say while struggling to breathe. 

"Oh Kara. You don't understand do you. If I don't kill you or my friends, I won't be born. I have to. I want to." 

Hearing him say this breaks my heart. Barry wants to kill his friends. He wants to kill the woman he loves. Although I know it's not actually the real Barry, it's still bad and still breaks my heart.

"Oh look it's 11:56. It's showtime." He says while smiling. 

He grabs me and before I know it, I am in a park staring at Mon-El, Clark, and Barry. 

"Don't!" I hear Barry yell.

"Flash. This is it. Now the moment is upon us. My ascension to become a god." Savitar says. I'm trying not to show I'm afraid. I'm supergirl. I'm brave. But who can be brave when you know you're about to die?

"Not tonight." Barry says.

"Show me your the hero!" Savitar says and pushes me to the ground. I see the veins in my hands start to glow green.

"Ahh." I grunt in pain.

"Stop! Please, I beg you!" Mon-El yells.

"Stop!" Clark yells.

"Lets see what happens!"

"We're gonna stop you." Barry says.

Barry pulls out a weapon of some sort and begins to try to shoot Savitar. He starts shooting him and it starts to work. Then, Savitar breaks free of the weapon.

It didn't work. Our last hope. I really am going to die.

"Why didn't it work!" Mon-El yells.

"I spent an eternity in a trap just like that. You think I didn't know how to prevent it from happening again! " Savitar yells.

"The philosophers stone." Clark says with a very worried expression.

"It's made of calcifate. Speed force energy and you gave it to me!" He says referring to Barry.

"I will kill everyone you love starting with your best friends then to the woman you love most!" He says referring to Iris.

"No! Guys, Guys!" Mon-El says in a panic.

"Joe!" Barry yells out.

"You stuck me in the speed force for an eternity of hell! Now, Welcome to yours!"

"No! Don't do this! Don't do this!" Barry yells out.

"Mon-El!" Mon-El, I love you!" I yell. I envisioned my future with him. Our future children. Something we'll never get to have. 

"Kara! Kara don't say that! You're going to be fine, my love!" Mon-El yells.

I give the three of them a weak smile.

Savitar then pulls out a kryptonite blade and plunges it into me. I can feel the blade cut through my body. My eyes widen at the pain.

"Nooo! Mon-El, Clark, and Barry yell at the same time.

Since Barry is the fastest, he gets there first to catch me from falling. 

Mon-El and Clark are close behind. Mon-El takes me from Barry and sobs into my hair.

"Kara, Kara!" He sobs into me.

I open my eyes to see Clark and Barry standing to the side with tears streaming down their faces.

Clark kneels down to stroke my hair and lets out a sob. All I can focus on is the pain my friends are in. But more specifically, the pain my Mon-El is in. With all the strength I have left, I reach my hand up to caress his cheek. He places his hand on top of mine. 

"I love you so much Kara. I'm so sorry we couldn't save you." He says sobbing over me.

"I lo-love y-you t-to." I say struggling to breathe. 

"Kara please, stay with me. Stay with me my love." 

This is the last thing I hear before my eyes shut. I try to open them, but they keep shut. I hear Mon-El screaming and Clark sobbing. I hear Barry crying and vowing to get Savitar before he can hurt anyone else. Then I see the white light.

-If you have time, check out my two other books!-

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