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Disclaimer: I don't own Supergirl, The Flash, or Arrow. Also, sorry this chapter is short.

-One week later-


"No! That's not good enough! We have to figure something out!" Mon-El yells.

We've been trying to come up with ideas for a week now. The guys still won't tell me what happens to me in the future.

"Look, everyone just stop! Everyone needs to calm down! Maybe we should take a break." I say.

"Kara, how can you possibly say that?" Clark asks angrily. "It's your life on the line Kara!" Clark says.

"You think I don't know that? I might die next week!"

"We are not going to let that happen." Mon-El says while taking my hands in his.

"Thank you Mon-El." I say and reach up to give him a kiss.

"I think I got it!" Barry says. 

Barry explains his plan and for the first time in a week, I have hope.

1 week later 


It's currently 7 PM on the day I am supposed to die. I am currently on Jesse Quick and Harry's earth with Mon-El. We recently found out another version of Barry is savitar. Barry can't be near me or else savitar will know where I am. All of a sudden, Clark comes through the portal.

"Kara! Mon-El! H.R accidentally told Savitar where you were! He thought it was Barry!"

"Don't worry Kara, we'll protect you!" Mon-El says caressing my cheek.


All of a sudden, Mon-El moves to shield me while Clark goes to punch savitar. Savitar quickly pushes Clark off of him and throws Mon-El to the side. Before I can blink, I find myself being whisked away by this monster.


As soon as Clark and I get up, Kara is gone. 

"Kara! No!" I yell.

"Clark! He took Kara! He took the love of my life! He's going to kill her! We have to find her!"

"Mon-El! Calm down! We can't help her unless we're calm and focused. Let's go find Barry and Alex! Hurry!"  

We Can Change the FutureUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum