"I never expected those two to actually get along," she explained, "they're basically polar opposites."

"Opposites attract."

"Whatever," Thalia waved him off, "back to your love life."

"Nico has a love life?" A new voice inserted itself in the conversation from the entrance. The two looked over to find Jason taking off his jacket and hanging it next to the door. "Care to fill me in?"

"Nothing happened that affects my love life," Nico said.

Thalia quickly countered it by shoving him back into the couch and simply stating, "He finally admitted to liking Percy."

"Oh, wonderful," the blonde turned to Nico, "have you talked to him about it yet?"

"No, and I'm not going to," Nico said.

Thalia narrowed her eyes at him, "Then what are you expecting is going to happen? Magic?"

"I don't know," Nico said, "but you and I both know he's had a rough past—"

Thalia calmly interrupted, "He hates when people do that, you know."

"Do what?"

Jason answered for her, "Use his past as an excuse for something. Nico, I'd say just take your chances. If he likes you back, great. If he doesn't, then at least you don't have to pine after him for your whole senior year of high school."

"I'm not so sure if it's that easy," Nico said quietly, "I've built up what I hope he also thinks is a really good friendship, and I don't want to just wreck it if he rejects me."

"Then drop the crush, di Angelo," Thalia said, obviously not meaning it.

Nico sighed, "That's not how this works!"

"I know, Nico," she responded, "Bring him over here when he gets out, okay? Jason or I can talk to him and see if you have a chance."

Nico shook his head. "He'll tell Grover more than either of you."

"Go over to his place then," Jason changed the plan.



Percy and Will sat around for a bit while visiting hours ended after Nico left. They didn't speak for a few minutes until Will finally broke the silence.

"So," he started, "you and Nico? When is that finally gonna happen?"

Percy scoffed. "Fucking never. I'm not losing him just because I am a hormonal teenage boy with stupid feelings."

"You sound like my parents," Will muttered, at which Percy rolled his eyes.

"But yes, I do like him if that's what you're wondering."

Will nearly fell off his bed, "I wasn't expecting you to actually admit it! Percy, go for it! It's obvious that he likes you, too, trust me. And you—"

"Calm down, Solace," Percy said.

"Okay, okay," Will took a breath before continuing, "so you're gonna talk to him when you get out of here, right?"

Percy sighed. "Should I? What if he doesn't feel the same way and never talks to me again? I don't know how...I-I couldn't deal with that."

"He means a lot to you, yeah?"

Everything. Percy nodded.

"And you mean a lot to him."

"Well, I don't know about that," Percy interjected.

Will sighed, "Jackson, the boy drives all the way from Manhattan just to see you every week. He cares about you."

Percy just nodded again, not responding. Will kept speaking, "You two are too close to just never talk to each other again because of a little crush in high school. I don't think either one of you are stupid enough to do that to yourselves."

"I sure hope you're right, Solace."

Uh, okay, this chapter kind of sucks but I'm just trYING TO MOVE THE PLOT ALONG BECAUSE IT'S CHAPTER 51 AND I APOLOGIZE WHOOPS.

Hope y'all are enjoying the story, though. I might do a little skip of time here soon because only so much can happen when they only see each other once a week in juvie.

I'll see y'all next time. Happy holidays, and happy new year if we don't see each other before then!

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