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part of the pregnancy fic! ive decided that the order of the chapters doesnt matter so expect me to jump around a bit. ill probably make a small index for it later))

Theres a feeling, deep inside his stomach, that makes Kokichi hum softly, questioning it inside his head. He can't quite place the feeling, though he assumes it has something to do with his... condition. He complains, sighing loudly and telling Kaito that he feels gross as they enter the grocery store.

"I don't want to go near the meat or fish section. I just know I'll get sick and barf everywhere and everyones gonna be like 'ewww gross!!' And never let either of us in again. And this is the only place that sells konpeito near us!" He whines, nose scrunching up in disgusted as he leans heavily against his boyfriends shoulder. Kaito simply sighs and ruffles his hair with a smile, making the smaller pout.

"Then don't go near them? Just go find the shit we need for the week."

"But then you'll mess it all up and get the wrong stuff!"

"Kichi, I'm perfectly capable of getting groceries on my own-"

"Ooooh, Kai-chan look! Free samples." And with that the other has dashed off to the small stand. Kaito can only roll his eyes, following after him with the small basket on hand.

His sick feeling forgotten, Kokichis eyes light up when watching the employee cook the noodles in front of him on the small grill, before handing him the sample sized cup. Kokichi knew that he liked it- but free food was free food. He'd been avoiding eating things he liked, the fear of wasting such things unnecessarily with random bouts of morning sickness preventing him from being as picky as he usually was.

He didn't bother to smell it, eating it all in one bite, knowing what spice was in it as it was wafting up from the stand. It made his stomach turn in an unpleasant way, a sour look twisting on his face, but thankfully he couldn't taste anything but the spicy sauce tingle on his tongue. Kaito eyed him warily, taking his own sample and thanking the employee for it, as Ouma had failed to do so. Soon enough they were walking again, Kokichi trying to sneakily throw some extra little goodies he'd wanted into the basket before they started nearing the meats section.

"Eugh, I'll see you in the fruits and veggies, Kai-chan. I can already tell its gonna make me barf." Kokichi said, plugging his nose with his fingers and squinting, dashing off to the other side of the store. Kaito sighed, rubbing the back of his head. He couldn't help but wonder if Kokichi was just... Forcing himself to go with him. He'd been refusing to go out and do anything for a few days, stating that the morning sickness was mostly scent induced, and Kaito had to hear him retch and complain about the smell of his cologne and deodorant almost every morning.

He felt bad for Kokichi- he'd always loved to go and do things, and since he had such little sense of taste, he would always ask Kaito if they could go certain places just because he loved to walk around and tell him all the things he could smell. Except now, where all Kokichi could smell was every disgusting thing within a 5 mile radius, and every single one made him sick to his stomach.

Just as hes about to go find the little gremlin, he sees Kokichi just outside the doors to the grocery store, head pressed to the glass with a rather disgusted look on his face, another employee nervously patting his back. He must have gotten sick again, deciding to go outside to vacate the contents of his stomach. Keeping anything down recently was a struggle- and an uphill one at that. The few things that Kokichi could eat were either relatively scentless or had terrible texture, and had earlier flat out refused to eat any of his favorite things, stating that 'Panta is gross coming back up.' Kaito wondered if he was just trying to make sure he didn't start to hate any of them.

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