Big Stacks ! Big Fax

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"You did not just hit me" I say low but I bet he could hear me.

"Shit Mel" he says pulling at his hair "I've been so fucked up lately man"

"you think I give a fuck!" I yell "be fucked up by yo damn self don't add me to the shit I was fine and happy before you came in there GODAMNIT !"

I hear ringing in my ears and I know if I don't calm down I'm gonna regret it.

"Look Mel I just wanna talk , and why did you leave me?" He said.

The car was going way to fast down the road and if this mouthafucka didn't slow down we was gone have a accident.

"Tre please slow down" I plead.

"No-no-" he says over and over stuttering.

I don't know who this was or what was going on with him.

I put my hands on his shoulder to calm him down "Hey I'm not gonna leave you just slow this bitch down" I say.

He slows down a bit and then looks over at me in the corner of his eye.

"You are gonna leave me when you find out..." he says.

"Find Out What?" I Say.

"Baby I'm so sorry" he says tears coming down his face.


"I got another bitch pregnant man" he says parking the car in a abandoned parking lot.

It takes me a minute to register this information.

My hands are clenched on my stomach and my blood is boiling at this point.

"What" I say through clenched teeth.

"Mel I was dr-" he says but I cut him off.

"Who is she" I say.

"Mel pl-"

"WHO IS SHE" I yell my tears blurring my vision.

"Charity alright it's charity" he says and looks at me.

"I-l" I Say my words leaving me.

"You got my rapist cousin pregnant" I say slowly.

I laugh after that.

He looks at me like I'm insane very much how I feel at this moment but I can't help myself from laughing.

"You realize- *laughs* how much you fucked up right " I Say Laughing more and more.

"You gotta believe when I say I didn't even know this was gonna happen I was drunk" he says.

"Oh that's bullshit so what you were drunk" I say.

"Is that where you've been all those nights" I say.

He looks at me in silence and I know the answer.

"So while my ass is in pain and throwing up back ache my feet hurt like a bitch and my supposed FIANCÉ is out fucking *laughs* that's crazy" I say.

I shake my head at him.

"You're scaring me" he says in a low voice.

"Oh don't be scared please don't be scared at all I'm actually GLAD you told me this" I Say.

"Mel we can get through this I was drunk I was stupid I am in love with you and that's why when I found out she was pregnant I thought I could pay her off but she wouldn't go away and the-i was stressed I treated you like shit blah blah blah" he said.

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