Chapter 16: Lilah

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I sigh and sit in a chair next to the vending machines in the loby. That was... interesting? It was kind of stupid, I got to meet Stella, she seemed really cool. Sydney and Jack just left for a date, and that's pretty cool, too. I hope everything works out for them. Then there's Taylor and his creepy flirting weirdness.

I stand up and walk back towards the party room. I had snuck out because everyone started to clean up. I'm usually the Louis Tomlinson of the group - I'll just sit around and pretend like I'm helping, or I'm doing something. It doesn't look like they've done much. There is food, streamers, confetti, tables and chairs knocked over and separated out all over the room.

"Lilah gete your ass over here and help," Matt calls from across the room. He's putting chairs on a chair rack thing. I nod and walk towards Leigha, who is peeling streamers off of the walls.

"Hey, need some help?" I ask.

"Sure, thanks."

I smile and start picking at some tape holding up a purple streamer. It doesn't come off easy, but soon I get it and succeed at pulling it completely off the wall.

"So, did you have fun?" Leigha asks me, taking a small ball of streamers off the floor and throwing at Cameron who is walking by.

"Hey," he says. smiling. He picks it up and puts it in a thrash can.

"Um," I pause, "It's been kind of-"

"Dumb?" She cuts me off.

I nod and peel off another streamer, this time blue.

"I know," she says.

"It just. I dont know. It was boring."

"Besides Sydney and Jack, and Taylor and Stella. That's slightly unboring."

I nod again. We continue to clean up. The streamers take forever, we got them pretty stuck to the walls.

"Oh, hey. I didn't know you stayed," Leigha says, I turn around and see Stella standing next to her.

"Sydney was my ride, but she's gone."

Leigha laughs.

"Do you want me to take you home?" I ask.

"All the way back to Denver?"

"I'll see what I can do," I joke.

She smiles. "I'm not that far away, I can just walk."

"No need, I'll just drive you back."

"You have a car?" Leigha asks.

"No, I have Sydney's keys."

"Ooohh," Leigha sings, "have fun," she says in a really hot voice before turning away.

"Come on," I say walking towards the doors of the ballroom. Stella follows me out of the room then out of the hotel. "Where is she parked?"

Stella points down the road a bit and I see a black ford fusion. We walk up to it and I take Sydney's keys from my pocket and unlock the car. We get in, I put the key in the ignition and we start to drive.

Stella gives me directions. I barley am listening though because I'm paying more attention to the horrible drivers here in NYC. Maybe this is a bad idea, me driving in New York.

Soon we get there. "Thank you so much."

"Of course, anytime, seriously."

She smiles. "Ok. Thanks again."

I smile and Stella walks towards an apartment building. I put the car in drive and start to go back to the hotel.

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