Chapter 4: Lilah

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"Matt, seriously, give it back!" I yell.

"Lilah, seriously, have fun in your life," Matt says in a girly, annoying voice.

Matt somehow managed to pickpocket my phone from my back pocket on my jeans. Again. literally it's like the 5th time today!

"I do have fun, letting you take 20,000,000 pictures on my phone is not fun."

"It is for me," he says as I take my phone back and shove it in my bra. "don't think that'll stop me."

I gasp and stare at Matt, hoping my death glare is intimidating.

"I was joking, calm down," Matt says.

I sigh, and then jump, probably a whole foot, when my phone vibrates. I sneakily try to pull it out of my bra, but the strap gets stuck in the phones case. Wonderful.

"The struggle is real," Matt says before flopping onto the couch.

"Matt, how many times do I need to yell at you? Don't flop onto the couch so hard, that's the reason the last couch broke."

"Ok mom," Matt sighs.

I sigh too. Matt has been my best friend for as long as I remember, and I love him, but living with him is like hell.

I open the text I had gotten. I can't help the smile that creeps across my face, and the light pink blush that appears on my cheeks. It's Luke. He works with me at Zumies. I really like him.

"What's got you smiling so big?" Matt asks.

"That is none of your business," I say while replying.

"But-but I'm your bestest best friend," he whines.

I can't help but let a small giggle pass my lips. "It's just-" I sigh and fall back onto the couch beside him. "A guy I like," I whisper, a bit embarrassed, this is a girl conversation.

"Oh, A guy? Who?"

"Oh you wouldn't know him, his name is Luke, we work together at Zumies."

"Oh." He looks down towards his feet, avoiding my eye contact. Strange?

"Yeah, he's a really great guy actually, we've worked together for almost a year now."

Matt nods.

I don't understand why he's acting this way. I know he can't like me like that. It would change everything.

"Well, um, I hope everything for you two works out. I should probably pack for New York though." He stands up. "You probably should too.

"I'll need your help."

Matt turns to me. "Why? You look beautiful in anything you wear."

I feel a bit taken back. "What if I'm wearing a potato sack?"

"You'd make it a new thing."

"What if it smelled like acid pee?"

Matt laughs. "Fine, I'll help you pack."

"Thank you very much."

He smiles and leads the way up the stairs to where my room is. Matt basically insisted on a house, I said apartment, Matt said house. I lost the argument, although I really never cared anyway.

"Do you have anything in mind you want to pack?"


Matt laughs. "We're leaving tomorrow, I have like a mental list of what to bring."

"And I don't."

Matt nods. "Well, we'll just have to make sure you're the hottest babe in NYC."

"I thought I already was," I tease.

He smiles. "yea."

I swing the door to my closet open and start taking clothes off of their hangers by the handful.

"Damn, Lilah. How many clothes do you have?" Matt asked.

"The appropriate question would be, how many outfits do you plan on taking to New York City?"

"Ok, how many?" He asks.

"A lot."

"We're going for five days, though."

"I'm a girl, I need to be prepared for anything. I could ruin some or loose something, then I'll need a replacement. Then if the replacement isn't good, I'll need a replacement for the replacement."

"Why is my best friend a girl?" Matt asks.

"Good question. I've honestly asked myself that before too. I have decided it's because I'm so damn sexy."

Matt laughs and nods. "What a wonderful outcome."

I nod in agreement.

"Well, this is hot," Matt picks up a tight little black dress. My friend, Annie forced me to get it for clubbing, although I very rarely have a reason to wear it.

"Seriously?" I say annoyed. I reach out to grab it. Once it's in my hands I hang it back up in my closet, where is belongs - not on me, and where no one can see it.

Matt laughs. We continue to pick out clothes. A few, 'well that's cute" and "hell no's". Matt even convinced me to pack like 20 different Magcon t-shirts. I was appalled by it at first, I said I would wear a Matt shirt everyday, but I don't really know the other guys all that well. I know Cam, I kind of know the Jack's. I know Nash a little. I know Carter really well, but I haven't seen him for quiet a while. Matt said they'd all think it was cute. I finally gave in. I made Matt pack most everything for me, I'm not totally lazy, but I don't like to do stuff.

"There. That should do it," Matt says, satisfied with my array of outfits.

"Thanks," I say.

"Of course, now your gonna help me, right?"

"I thought you had a mental list planned?" I say while grabbing my phone off of my bed.

"Yea, I lied."

I laugh. "I can't. I have something to watch." I see a text from Annie telling me they put on a new video

"Sydney and Alicia?"

"Of course!" I say. Their like my role models. I really want to copy Alicia's hair. It's like ombre blonde-pink-purple and it's 20 inch long. I really like sydney's fashion too. It's like a mixture of hipster and edgy. I like her hair too, although it's just light brown, it's really wavy.

"Have fun with that."

"I will! I wonder if we'll meet them in NYC. That's where they live."

Matt laughs, "maybe."

I sigh, Matt makes fun of me all the time and says it's an obsession. It is not an obsession.

"See ya in a while," Matt says before leaving my room. I flop on my bed and log into my computer. They said they would do a Q&A, I asked a few different questions, I doubt they answered any of them.

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