Chapter 8: Lilah

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I pace around the hotel room. Matt is taking a shower. I have to pee but he locked the door. I hear my phone buzz and forget about having to pee completely because that might be Luke, I texted him a few minutes ago. I run to the couch, where I had tossed my phone to get up and pace. It is Luke, I quickly open the text. He said hi, which would be the accurate response to hey. I type back 'what's up?' and toss the phone back on the couch and continue my pace.

I hear the water finally shut off and run over to the door. "Matt, please let me in I have to pee."

He opens the door and walks out with a towel wrapped around his waist. "When did you get back?" He asks.

I had been out with Leigha, we were shopping and 'bonding' as Cam had said. "A while ago. You took like an hour long shower."

He laughs. "No, it was like a half an hour."

I shake my head. "I have to pee."

"Then go pee."

So I do. I walk back out from the bathroom, Matt's sitting on his bed staring at his phone. I grab my phone to see if Luke responded. "Nothing but texting you, and glad to be doing it."

I smile. "Has anyone ever told you, you have a beautiful smile?" Matt says. I turn to him, he's put his phone on his chest and is watching me.

I turn to him. Seriously? What's with all the comments lately? Is he flirting? I blow it off and try to think of an answer to Luke's text. I'm not overly great at 'flirting'. I decide to just say 'Glad?'.

"Lilah!" Matt suddenly says, causing me to jump a bit.

"Don't yell," I say.

"Guess who I saw today." He jumps off the bed, ignoring my reminder to be quiet.

"Johnny Depp?"

"No? I met Sydney."

"Sydney Miller?"


I glare. "Unfair."

"She might come to one of the events with Alicia."

I jump up and down a couple times and smile. "Seriously?"

"Yea, Jack got her number."

"For the event, or he got her number?" I say wiggling my eyebrows.

"He told us for the event, but he wouldn't stop smiling," Matt says, "He wouldn't stop talking about it either," he adds as an after thought.

I smile. "That would be so cute," I exaggerate the 'so'.

He smiles.

I flop onto the bed - the one closer to the window - and let out a sigh. "I hope they do go to the event though, I want to meet them."

Matt smiles. "Jack said he was going to call her, but then he said he'd wait until tomorrow so it didn't sound like he's desperate."

I laugh. "So, do you know how long he's liked her?"

"Jack J. told me that he's liked her for like ten months."

They've made videos for almost two years, so he must have just discovered them awhile ago. My phone goes of and I jump up to get it.

"You talking to Luke?" Matt asks as I pick up my phone. I can't help but notice the disappointment in his voice when he says Luke's name.

"Yes, as a matter of fact, I am."

He nods. I read Luke's text. "Glad to be talking to my favorite and most beautiful co-worker." I smile.

"I need to say something," Matt says.

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