Wish I Never Said Anything

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I'm pretty sure I had the saddest look on my face. I actually started to cry again. Cuphead moved to the left side of me to meet my face. I turned over to face the other side. "Look, I know it seems bad, but both of us will be here to get you through it." Cuphead told me. I kept my head turned away. He slowly took my hand and turned my head to face him. "I promise you, everything will be fine." He told me. "I-I d-don't—." Cuphead interrupted me, "Please stop. I don't like seeing this face.". He put his hand on one side of my face. I leaned against it and closed my eyes to try and calm down. While my eyes were closed, however, he kissed me. I don't know why I felt so calm during it. Once he pulled away, he took his hand, that was on the side of my face, and held my hand. ~Whoa! That was a confusing sentence! I had to read it over to make sure it made sense~. "Th-thanks for that." I said, quietly. "Don't mention it. Just stay calm and wait for the nurse to come in." He told me. After he said that, the nurse walked in with... things that scared me. "I'm going to start with numbing your hand for the IV. Then I'll continue with everything else." She told me. I nodded. My hand already hurt so much. I guess I won't feel much. I looked the other direction, which was coincidentally looking at Cuphead. He gave me a faint smile. I felt a poke but that was about it. Like someone who thinks they can hurt you by pinching you incessantly. I may have forgotten Daisy was still lying on me. This flower is so fuckin' clingy. I heard the nurse moving around, so I guess she was done. Mistake I made: turn back around. When I turned back around she was putting the IV inside me. "That was not a pleasant sight." I whispered. They both laughed. "Now that this is done, I'm going to move onto the cast. I'm going to need you to sit up over here." She told me, still laughing. Cuphead let go of my hand and moved to the other side to help me up. With the help of both of them, I was sitting where she wanted me to. I didn't realize how high the bed was until now. I had to take Daisy and lie him on the pillows. The entire time she was putting the cast on, she had to carefully maneuver my foot around. Man did that hurt. I'm not sure if the medicine wasn't working or hadn't kicked in yet. I may have shed a tear or two. Cuphead saw my face after a few minutes. He decided to sit next to me, on the bed, and try to calm me down. He held my hand the rest of that time. That stuff she was putting around it felt so weird and disgusting. She was finally done and said, "It will take 10 minutes to dry and 24 hours to fully harden. I will be back after those 10 minutes.". She gathered her things and left. "I didn't think that would hurt as much as it did." I said, quietly. "Well, ya got through it at least." He told me. I nodded and smiled. "Wow. I don't think I've seen you happy ever since this morning." He said, surprised. "I'll be more happy when I get to leave this place and everything is better." I told him. He laughed at that. "I'm serious. I just want all of this pain to go away. I wish I never said anything about my love for racing." I said, turning away. 

A Place Called Inkwell IsleTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang