Get Some Sleep

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The room went silent, regardless of the TV. Cuphead turned me around, put his hands on my shoulders and asked me, " I'm glad you did say those things. Do you want to know why?". I looked at him and replied, "Why?". "Because you had fun doing it. It had all of us get closer to each other. I got closer to you here..." He said the last part quieter. I just looked down at the bed. He took one hand off to move my head up. "Don't be sad about this. We both know you're gonna be fine. Also, I was supposed to send a video of you saying you're fine over to the casino." He told me. "Ugh, fine." I responded. He got up and stood in front of me. He took his phone out and said, "We have like 8 minutes to do this. Don't mess up.". He gave me a thumbs up to start sayin' crap. "Well..." I started. I moved my arms around a bunch and pointed to my leg, "I am fine, people. Ignore that. And him, I don't know what he's doing. This is mostly sarcasm because I look like crap. But the camera man told me I was supposed to do this. Yay.". "And according to him I won..?" I said, confused. He nodded. "So, I am 'fine' and we only had 8 minutes to do this." I finished by waving my hand in a circular motion. He lowered the phone and said, "I'm not doing that again.". "Neither am I." I replied. He sat down next to me again. "You look fine, by the way." He told me. "I haven't looked at myself since this morning. I feel and look like crap." I replied. He told me, "You really don't.". I sighed and just went with it. He put his arm around me and said, "Ya can't fight it. Ya really do look fine.". He stood up and sat down in the chair facing me. The nurse came in to check the cast. "Hello again. Let's see if this is dry at all." She said as she walked over to me. She kneeled down and felt around the cast. "It's dry enough. Don't mess with it too much until this time tomorrow. I'll be back in the morning to check on you. Have a nice night." She told us. She then left the room. "Well, are ya gonna lay back down?" Cuphead asked me. I looked over at Daisy and lifted him up. His eyes were halfway open. I held him by me and smiled. Cuphead took him and set him on the chair. I moved back and tried to lift my legs up. I couldn't get the one with the cast up. Cuphead saw I needed help, so he cautiously lifted the one leg onto the bed. I moved toward the pillows and lied back down. But before I did Cuphead asked, "Before you lie back down, can I do something?". I nodded. He came up and wrapped his arms around me. I was a little surprised, but I did the same. He let go and I lied down. I looked down at the blankets and said, "God dammit.". He chuckled and got them for me. I looked over at the time. It was only 7 and I was already tired. The sun went down too. Daisy had realized he'd been moved. He slowly got up and jumped up on the bed. I tried to lift him up, but I couldn't with my hand hurting like this. He moved to the side of me and fell asleep. "This little dude here... is acting like I'm his mother." I pointed out. "I think he's acting like that because we've never brought a girl to our place before. Plus, I don't think anyone has been so nice to him before besides me and Mugs." Cuphead told me. "Awe, I feel bad now. What happened to his petal anyways?" I asked. "We don't know. He doesn't like the topic. You can tell how scared he gets when we bring it up." He replied. I looked down at Daisy and yawned. ~I actually just yawned about two seconds after I typed that~. "Getting tired?" He asked. I nodded and rubbed my eyes. "I can't blame you. We've been through a lot today. While you were unconscious, I was running around frantically just to know if you were okay or not." He told me. "Wow. I didn't know you cared so much." I said. "I really do. I care about you as much as Mugman. Heh, maybe a little more." He said. I faintly smiled. My eyes slowly started to close. "Heh... go to sleep. I can stay here as long as you need." He told me in a quiet voice. I grabbed his hand and whispered, "Please don't leave...". "I swear I won't. Go to sleep." He whispered back. I lied my head back and closed my eyes. I heard him get up from the chair. He kissed me on the forehead and whispered, "Sleep well.". He held my hand the entire time. A few minutes later, I fell asleep.

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