Chapter Forty Nine

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"I'm on my guard for the rest of the world but with you, I know it's no good."

-taylor swift


Sonia was so caught up in seeing Ed that she only registered the three others with him after everyone was inside.

"Hey Ling," she greeted, patting him on the back, but then drew back her hand. "Or is it Greed? Or both? Man, you're confusing."

"Are all of this kids' friends annoying as all hell?" Greed asked, mostly to himself.

Sonia ignored him and came up to the two chimeras. She made sure it was a private conversation as she watched Ed talking to his godmother across the room.

"Hey," she greeted. "Not sure if I said it before, but thank you for taking care of Edward. It means a lot to me that he's not dead," she laughs morbidly, still unable to flirt with the thought that Ed could have not made it. The two men just give her a strange look.

"No problem...?"

Granny offers everyone some stew on Edward's behalf, and lunch goes by quickly for them all. Greedling goes for another plate, but Sonia stops him, suddenly remembering a lesson Mei taught her.

"You can eat more after I use you for a little experiment."

Sonia has to drag him away from the table and into a guest room. He still complains as the door shuts.

"Okay Ling, I know you're in there, buddy. And if you're in there after getting fused with a homunculus, then so is my sister." She sighs unsteadily. "Right?"

Greed surprisingly complies as she tells him to sit still as she reads his aura, although he does add distracting commentary, such as, "What are you doing?" and "Stop staring at me".

The girl just sighs and looks inside him. There are many colorful souls swimming inside his body, somewhat tamer than those in other homunculi like Envy or Wrath. Either way, she dismisses that thought and concentrates on the big black mass in the center. It's Greed himself, but also Ling. It's not pure darkness. Ling's soul gives it color. Her theory was correct!

She takes herself out of her trance and breathes a sigh of relief. "There's hope for my sister," she breathes, relieved. "She's got to be inside of that homunculus. I just have to get her out."


"So, the Promised Day is coming. I'm still unsure of what our plan of action is, Edward." Sonia stood in front of him, arms crossed. They were standing in the kitchen alone while the others were occupied - Pinako was with a client, and she made the two chimeras go to work around the house/shop. Greed was to get tickets for the train to their next location but should be back soon.

The blond alchemist leaned on the counter, jaw tense. "Simple. We kick all the homunculi's asses and that Father guy."

"Easier said than done," she huffs, annoyed by his reply.

"That's what it boils down to."

"I know." She bites her lip, anxiety seeping into her small voice. "I'm just worried our efforts won't be enough."

Ed looks at her hard. He hopes his determination will rub off on her as he says, "We have to be ready for anything. So let's get ready."

He goes to leave, turning to the door. Impulsively, she calls out, "Wait," grabbing onto his shoulder. She can feel the exact place where his automail and real body meet as she runs her fingers down his prosthetic arm.

Now at his hand, Sonia gently grabs his automail fingertips and laces them with her flesh ones. She meets his curious, golden eyes. It's strange to her, realizing that she has to look up to see his entire face. Wordlessly, she takes her other hand and grabs the front of his black tank top, gentle but firm. Light enough for her to let him go, if that's what he wants. Yet it seems as if he doesn't. He stays frozen in anticipation and watches as she pulls him down just a few inches. She's terrified he won't reciprocate. But once her lips graze his, he's all in. He turns fully towards her then and cautiously pushes his lips back against hers, placing his flesh hand behind her neck and into her hair. He subconsciously notes it's gotten a bit longer since he's last seen her. He supposes they've both grown up on each other.

The Price of Life [Fullmetal Alchemist]Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя