Chapter Twenty Two

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Back In Town

spinning like a girl in a brand new dress
we had this big wide city all to ourselves
-taylor swift. ♡


"Winry. Hey Winry. What're you doing? Huh?" Sonia prodded, peering over her friend's shoulder. "Can I help?"

The engineer didn't even look up from her work. Usually, she would love to talk, but she never had much tolerance for distractions during work.


"What, Sonia?"

Sonia deflated at the realization that she was being ignored. Still, she offered, "Do you need any help?"

"No," she answered bluntly.

The alchemist exhaled a breath that made her bangs fly up "Really? You don't need help with anything?"

"You can help by counting the bolts."

"I already counted them. There were only six." She said pointedly.

Winry sighed and positioned her goggles from her eyes to the crown of her head. Turning around in her chair she faced Sonia, trying to think of something - anything - she could do.

"I do have a new patient today, and she's never had this done to her before, so maybe you could gather some things for prep?"

Sonia smiled widely. She was becoming so bored, and she needed a distraction. Plus, worry was eating at the back of her mind.

'Damn those Elric brothers.'

"We'll need some IV bags, pain medication, towels and oh-- new bedsheets! We ran out yesterday. You think you can handle that?"

Sonia nods, raising her hands behind her head to tie up her hair.

"We already have IV bags and towels in the house somewhere, but I need all the stuff in the garage before she gets here at 12."

"Okay, I got it."

"Oh, wait!" she called just before Sonia raced out. "Get a gallon of oil, too, yeah?"

"Sure! I'm off!"

Going into town, she saw no sign of Ling or his crew. Worry trickled into her thoughts easily, but she disregarded it and set out for her tasks.

"Another day, another dollar," she bantered to herself. "Except I'm not getting paid."


"Winry, I'm done!" Sonia called from the garage, setting the items she had rounded up in a neat and organized line.

"'Kay!" she replies, and Sonia can hear footsteps approach the room.

"You have everything?" she asks, hands on her rounded hips, a pair of engineering goggles in the large pocket of her apron.

The alchemist nods, listing off things. "Pain meds, oil, IV bags, I even bought new towels!"

"Great! And the bedsheets?"

At the single word, her face dropped.

Seeing her uncertainty, Winry's eyes widened.

"Sonia! She'll be here in 20 minutes!"

"Uh..." She tried to think quick on her feet. Getting an idea, she pointed at Winry.

"I'll be right back!" She raced out before she could say anything else.

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