He stumbled slightly and I couldn't help but move towards him with my arms stretched. I stopped a few feet away and stared. He caught himself again and his head snapped up to look at me. I raised my hands hoping he wouldn't see me as a threat. He gave a confused stare before struggling with another breath.

"Hey mister, are you doing ok?" I tried to speak slowing praying he understood English, I couldn't even see anything but his eyes he was so covered in filth.

"Do I look ok?" he grumbled coughing again

"No, that's why I'm asking"

He pushed off the railing reaching for the bench, missing by an inch and falling to the floor

"God damn" he wheezed pushing himself up, I knew he wasn't going to be able to get far on his own

"I'm going to help you up ok? But don't you hurt me or try anything shady" I warned placing a hand under his arm

"You're not my type princess" he grumbled as I helped him to his feet

"beggers cant be choosers" I didn't get a chance to stop myself before the words left my mouth, I cringed instantly regretting it

He barked out a laugh which ended in another coughing fit. "Touché princess"

"Don't call me that, now what's wrong with you, you sound like your lungs have collapsed"I gestured to his whole body as it shook

He put a hand to his chest and steadied himself "asthma, I have asthma"

"Well, have you got an inhaler"

He looked at me incredulously "are" cough "you" cough "kidding" cough "me?"

"Right ok well then do you need to get to a hospital" I grabbed my phone from my pocket preparing to dial 911 when he grabbed my phone from my hand

"Hey I was trying to help you asshole" I cursed taking the phone out of his hand roughly

"Princess I don't have any money, or insurance, they'll only kick me out"

"You don't know that" I accused

"What do you think I spent my night doing, I lost my bench to Carl because I was waiting for them to help" he gestured to another man asleep on a bench opposite us "bastard knows that's my favourite spot"

"Well you can't spend all night like this"

"They said I would live" he deadpanned before lying on his back across the bench, the light of the street lamp giving me a better look at his features. He was in quite good shape considering he was homeless, although he wasn't fitting his torn jacket and sweat pants very well. He had scar running from the base of his left eye that ran across his cheek to his jaw line, it looked fresh maybe a week old. His face, although gaunt, showed signs of being previously strong. His jaw line was prominent and even not smiling I could see slight dimples.

At this point Jessica, finally realising my absence, had returned to see where I was. To say she was horrified was an understatement "CASSIE what on earth are you doing?"

"He's sick" I gestured him on the bench, his eyes now closed ad drawing shaky breaths

"So! come on what are you even doing talking to him"

"We can't just leave him to get worse"

"Why not he's out here for a reason, it's not your problem" she fumed, she wasn't letting herself get any closer than ten feet away from me but I could see her wanted to grab me

"She's right princess it's my own fault"

I scowled down at him as he smirked "shut up both of you" I said sternly, rubbing a hand over my face. I knew I never should have come out tonight. Should have stayed at home by myself, where people couldn't annoy me. 

My Boys (boyxboy, girlxboy)Where stories live. Discover now