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Katrina: {She watched in fascination as Zach spun and flipped in the air as he took out the vampires with ease. Where did this young boy learn to fight like that? No, she couldn't think of him like that anymore. He was quickly becoming a young man in front of her eyes. Then of course he tried to show off to impress her and nearly cut off his own arm. He was like a kid with the knowledge and skill of a great weapons master but without the experience to use it properly. Like taking a BB gun from a child and handing him a high-powered sniper rifle.

She tried to ignore him, with his cute grin and those piercing eyes. But her stomach fluttered and she looked away to more pressing matters.

This town couldn't survive much longer against this tide of enemies she knew. She was surprised these humans had made it this far. She was beginning to gain a respect for these fierce villagers. They had barely survived the last attack. Thanks to her brothers quick thinking. He too was seemingly growing up right in front of her eyes as the day dragged on. She was impressed with his fighting and planning skills he was displaying. Although she would never let him know that. His head was big enough as it was.

She groaned as she watched the next massive wave of the vampire lord's army charge toward their desperate and ragged force. She wasn't even sure why she continued fighting for these people. Hadn't they just tried to kill her? But she knew it wasn't their fault. This entire world has lived with a fear of vampires for far too long. It was time to change that. A new strength seemed to be flowing through her as that thought filled her with hope. She stretched her sore muscles and flexed her powerful wings. She still wasn't used to that...she had wings! What's up with that?

I wonder if Zach likes girls with wings? She thought to herself. Then shook her head and rolled her eyes. Where had that come from? What was wrong with her? Focus! She spun her new ancient swords in her hands feeling them hum, warm in her palms. It was odd but as she shifted form it seemed the sword also changed. Creating a kind of bladed hand guard that locked in place with the long spikes that protruded from her knuckles. It made an X of sharp blades. Hers going forward and the ones from the sword going backwards over her hand. As if these strange weapons were like her. Becoming more dangerous and damaging as she needed to in order to deal with the threat at hand.}


      The numbers sprang to being almost instantly and before I almost knew what I was doing which was probably a good thing, I was on the back of one of the giant red Enforcers that was running toward the ring of defenders. 

 The sword blazed to life in my hands singing its beautiful song and the carved symbols burst into brilliant white light as I swung it with all my might slashing into the monsters powerful neck. So smoothly did it cut through the flesh and bone and armored plates that I spun completely around in a circle and almost fell off the huge beast. 

 But before the gouts of black blood could splatter me I checked the numbers and teleported to the back of the other charging Enforcer. 

 Only then did I think of slowing time down and good thing I did just that because as I swung the blazing sword down but not with so much force this time, I saw two of those flash grenades right in front of the monsters face.

 It was too late to stop my swing and as the blade bit into the Vampires flesh severing the head from the body the grenades exploded in slow motion. 

 The head of the Enforcer took most of the blast but the flash blinded me and as the projectiles slashed and thudded into the head and body of the already dead creature I fell to the ground not able to see anything except white even with my eyes tightly shut in searing pain. I did however feel the crawling touch of the two life forces etch themselves onto my back.

TimeLord The Vampire Chronicles Book One part twoDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora