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Katrina: {She felt her body, stronger than it had ever been, tingle and vibrate with the call of battle. She knew without a doubt that it had been that tiny taste of Zach's blood that had healed her and then some. She felt clear headed and in control for the first time in a long time as she flexed her wings and killed with a vengeance. This time though, it was the righteous vengeance of good. Doing what she was destined for. What she was created for. Protecting the weak, the helpless, the needy and all that's good in the world. She was once again the Hunter. But this time, it felt as though every muscle, every sense, every fiber of her body was filled with a golden light and under her absolute and complete control.

She felt not only unstoppable, but as though she was on the path of an impossibly colossal and terrifyingly important destiny. One that just might lead her to her death. But she knew in her soul that if she didn't follow this path, the entire fate of the universe was doomed. It was as though a filter was lifted from her eyes and she could see clearly for the first time. As though his blood had healed not only her body but her mind. And possibly given her a strange insight to the future?

As she fought to save this almost surely doomed town, she suddenly realized she was, for the first time, at peace. Even with the realization of her possible fateful destiny, she knew what she was doing was right. Her sharp fangs were visible as a smile spread across her face. Unknown to her, a faint golden light began emanating from her flowing body. Suddenly she smelled Zach, in the midst of protecting a group of children from a pack of vampires. Her eyes flicked around scanning for him, just as she noticed a strange man on a nearby rooftop. She could have sworn he wasn't there a second ago, or she would have surely sensed him. Then suddenly huge stones and bricks began falling all around her. Somehow, they didn't strike any of the townspeople or even scratch them, but they did crush nearly all the monsters attacking them. Until, their little group was surrounded by a tall circle of stones. She didn't know where they came from or how in the world, they had fallen almost perfectly in place to create a wall of bricks, but now she had to figure out how to get these people out.

Just as surprisingly, and as though it had read her mind, an arching gateway appeared. She carefully exited, expecting some kind of ambush or trick. But that same strange man was standing there in front of her now. He smelled like Zach, but different. She sensed the same raw power she had felt in Zach, but instead of an untamed and uncontrolled tsunami of destruction. This man was like a million atomic bombs in the shape of a finely crafted sword. It felt like she was standing in front of the sun behind a thin but impenetrable steel shutter. As though with a mere thought, he could obliterate her, without so much as making the falling snow change its course around her. The hair on her neck stood up, as she tried to understand if he was a threat. All the while, knowing there was probably nothing she could do to even scratch this man.

Then he was gone. He didn't turn and run or jump. He just vanished. One second he was staring at her with a crooked smile that made her stomach do a strange flutter, and the next he wasn't anywhere. As if he had never been there, but she didn't have time to figure it out as she gathered the townspeople and ran toward the others.}


      Or at least that was the intended effect. Unfortunately she had other ideas and slid to the side, grabbed my wrist and twisted it behind my back so painfully I only barely managed to hold onto the sword.

"Now, now" she cooed into my ear "that's no way to treat a lady. I think you should apologize to me for being so ru... ahhh" she shrieked suddenly.

TimeLord The Vampire Chronicles Book One part twoDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora