I Wish I Knew.... My Choices Made The Difference...

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A/N: I'm back!!! I know the pic belongs to 'Kimi ni todoke'.

Naruto's POV-

The floor was cold when my feet hit it. I stood up and walked towards the kitchen to get a glass of water. The large window let in the moonlight, making everything glow. Just like I remembered....

After drinking water, I made my way to the bed, looking over the mess of toys Kanade had somehow created. But I didn't have the heart to scold her. She was an angel. 

I snuggled close to my bundle of joy and felt her small hands grip my clothes. With a kiss to her forehead, she was off to dreamland. And I was left to my thoughts. I had to ask her a question. A question that she shouldn't even know about.

I felt my eyes water as I realized that I had failed to provide a lovely childhood to her.


"Kanade?" I said to catch her attention. I had to do it.

"Yeah, mama?" She looked up.

"Can I ask you a question?" I sat down next to her.

She nodded her head.

"If... If you had to choose between..." I swallowed.


"Between Gaara and Sasuke..." I trailed off. She was my child and yet I couldn't say it.

"Who would you choose?"

She looked at me.

"Why?" I closed my eyes.

"For- For a surprise... Who would you like to live with?"

"Are you going somewhere?" She asked me.

I shook my head, answering "No".

"Between Gaara-oji-can and Uchiha-san..."

She looked deep in thought and I smiled at her cuteness.

"I would choose...."

And with her next words, my eyes widened.


Itachi's POV-

I walked towards the familiar building. The market was as lively as ever. The people seemed unaffected by the recent war.

As I reached the door, the memories washed by. Ignoring them, I rang the bell.

The door opened revealing the youngest Uchiha.

"Oji-chan!" She said, as I was tackled by her.

"Calm down, Kanade." Naruto said, chuckling.

"It's fine." I said, as I made my way inside, with Kanade clinging on to me. 

"Oji-chan, I made a lot of friends!" Kanade said as she babbled on about everything.

I looked at Naruto and she gave me a shrug and a look that said, "That's what you get for being the favorite uncle."

I listened to her as she talked about her new friends and Naruto's friends. About everything and nothing.

And soon enough, she was off to play with her toys.

"Itachi-nii-chan." Naruto said, as she handed me a cup of tea.

"I have to tell you something." And I felt my stomach churn.



"So... that's your final answer....?" I asked as I sighed.

"Umm... yeah..." She answered uncomfortably.

"Okay.. That's... kinda great... " I answered.

"You're okay with it?" She looked at me.

"It's your and Kana's choice, right?"

She nodded.

"Then.. Of course I'm fine with it." I smiled at her.

And seeing her smile back, I was reassured. 


Naruto's POV-

I ran towards the fading figure. The dim light made it hard to follow.

As the distance between us closed, I thought about Kanade's choice.

'I had to stop him.'

"Wait..." I whispered, panting.

I was so close.


The figure stopped and turned.

His eyes widened.


I sprinted upto him.

"You can't just leave when I got it all figured out!" I screamed at him.

"What do you mean?"

"You know what I mean! And you're staying here for all I know!"


I walked upto him.

And looked into his eyes.

"You're my choice...." I whispered as I leaned forward, forgetting all other feelings.

He clasped my hand and looked into my eyes. And slowly everything around us faded away.

We leaned towards each other.

"I love you..." He whispered as our lips met.

"I always have.."

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