"come in," he said, then Daniel walked into his office and said.

"She isn't picking up her calls"

Scott couldn't understand why she wasn't picking up Daniel's calls either.

"Okay, thanks. But please keep on trying and if she eventually picks up, tell her to come straight to the board room when she arrives," he said to Daniel.

"Okay," Daniel said then walked out of the office.

Scott then left his office and went into the board room. He greeted the clients from China who were already waiting.

"Shall we begin?" He said.

"Where is your partner, Miss Evans?" One of the men asked.

"She'll be here soon," Scott replied.

"What sort of company is this that doesn't take its clients seriously? You both were quite aware of our coming and now one of you doesn't show up? What kind of a meeting are we going to have?"

"We can begin with the furniture and when she arrives we'll talk about the designs." Scott manages to say. He was already nervous.

"Look here, Mr. Cameron. We're more interested in the designs rather than the furniture, so if Miss Evans doesn't show up in twenty minutes, the deal is off."

Scott began to panic. He couldn't risk losing this contract.

Why wouldn't Laura just arrive already? 

The clients waited and Laura never showed up. Scott became furious and decided to go home to find out why she did this to them. He knew she did it on purpose, there was no other reason why she didn't show up. She had done it just to spite him.

"Scott, what happened back there?" Lisa asked when she noticed Scott coming out of the boardroom.

"We lost the contract, I have to go home. I'll see you later," he said and gave her a quick kiss before leaving.

Scott got home and noticed a silver Acura NSX concept 2015 NYIAS, he couldn't recognize the car because it wasn't a brand he had in his garage.

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He came out of his car and noticed Karen bringing out suitcases from the house. He wondered who they belonged to. He rushed into the house and saw Laura coming down the stairs.

"What's going on here?" He asked.

Laura turned towards his direction as soon as she heard his voice.

"What does it look like, Scott?" She asked then walked past him. He followed behind her.

"Laura, what's the meaning of this?" Laura stopped in her steps and turned around to face Scott.

"What do you want me to say? That it's over between us? Is that what you want to hear?" She asked him.

"What do you mean by 'it's over between us?'"

"Oh please, don't act all innocent around me," Laura replied already irritated by Scott's pretense.

"I have been aware of the fact that you were cheating on me since the day I returned from my trip."

Scott was taken aback by what Laura just confessed.

"Surprised?... You shouldn't be, Scott because it was written all over you. I tried to get to you so I could know where I went wrong but what did you do? You shut your doors."

Tears had begun falling down Laura's eyes.

"I begged you, Scott. I begged you to forgive me for a crime I didn't even commit. I was ready to forgive you for sleeping with Lisa, but what did you do? You treated me like trash." She said sniffling.

Scott just stood there surprised that she was aware of his infidelity.

"Lisa," Laura said with an irritated smile.

"She was your ex but you never told me. If you were tired of our relationship you could have just said it and I'd understand, but instead you derived pleasure in seeing me hurt, making me look like I was crazy."


"Don't you dare mention my name, don't do it.... Just tell me, Scott. What did I do to you that caused you to treat me this way? Where did I go wrong?"

"I'm sorry-"

"It's too late for that, the deed has already been done. And oh, I'll give Daniel and my lawyer the necessary documents you'll need to sign to ensure the company's separation." Laura said wiping her tears, then started for the door.

As she took a step outside the house, Scott yanked her back by her arm.

Kevin on seeing his action, came out of the car.

"Don't do this," Scott whispered.

"You should have thought about the consequences first before going ahead with your action," she replied before walking out on him.

Scott, at that point, noticed Kevin standing beside the car.

"So, you're doing this because of him, right? I should've known." Scott said with anger laced in his voice.

Laura halted in her steps. She turned around and walked back towards Scott, giving him a slap across his face twice.

"You should be ashamed of yourself," she said then left him there in shock and got into the car.

"Are you okay?" Kevin asked as they were both seated in the car. Laura took a long sigh and replied,

"Yeah. I'm fine." Kevin took that as a queue to start the car.

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