Chapter 9

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Lisa has started working as Scott's secretary. A week and a half had passed since she resumed. Everything had been going steady and Scott was happy that his secretary was someone he was familiar with.

Scott worked late one night. After a while, he decided it was time he went home to rest, he would continue with his unfinished work the next day. He carried his briefcase and switched off the lights in his office. He came out of his office and saw Lisa still working. He looked around and noticed that she was the only one remaining on that floor.

"Lisa, why are you still here?"

She lifted her head from the pile of papers she was arranging.

"Working," she replied.

"You can do that tomorrow. You don't have to stay this late," he said worried that she chose to still work at this hour.

"I'll be honest with you..." She began,

"I was waiting for you. You looked busy in there and I thought maybe you might need something... So, that's why I decided to wait and at the same time keep myself busy."

Scott was surprised at what Lisa just said.

"Wow! I'm sorry about that. I should've relieved you earlier."

"That's not a problem. You had no idea I wanted to wait."

"So, um. You've got a ride?" He asked her.

"No, I'll take a cab."

"No no! I can't let you take a cab at this hour. It's too late... Please let me drop you off at your place."

Scott didn't want Lisa leaving at that time of the night with a cab. It was 8:45 pm and for a lady, being alone at that hour was dangerous.

Lisa thought about it for a minute and decided to accept his offer.

"Okay. Thanks."

"You don't need to thank me. Besides, you're still here because of me."

She smiled at what he said and began keeping the files. She packed her bag while Scott waited for her. As soon as she was done, they left the office.

Scott arrived at Lisa's house after a 30-minute drive.

"So, this is where you live?"

"Yes," Lisa replied.

"Scott, thanks for the ride."

"Oh please, it's nothing. Don't thank me."

Lisa was about to get out of the car when she suddenly changed her mind.

"I know it's late but would you like to come inside for a while She asked.

Scott began contemplating in his mind whether to say yes or no. He then came to the conclusion that going inside for a little while wouldn't hurt.

"Sure. Why not," he replied.

Lisa was excited.

They got out of the car and Lisa opened the door to her house so that they could both enter inside, it was a nice bungalow.

"You have a lovely place," Scott said to Lisa while still taking his time to look around.


Lisa offered him a seat while she went to get something for them to drink. He sat in the living room waiting for Lisa when he saw a call from Laura. He kept staring at the phone, pondering whether or not to pick up the call. He decided to ignore the call and concluded that he would call her later or probably the next day.

Lisa came out of the kitchen with two glasses of wine.

"Here," she said to Scott handing him his drink.

She then sat down on the couch and took a sip of her wine.

"Scott?" She began,


"I don't know how to say this but, um..." She gulped her wine and emptied the glass.

Scott, on the other hand, was wondering why she became nervous all of a sudden.

"I'm sorry, I left. I didn't mean to do it," she said then started crying.

"I just don't know what happened. I was so confused at that time, I wasn't thinking straight... I know I hurt you and I'm sorry about that... I wasn't sure of my feelings then, I only wanted to think things through but I was so selfish. I didn't think about how you were going to take it. I know I should've told you but I was only thinking about myself... I'm so sorry, Scott." She began sniffling, trying to stop her tears from continuously falling.

"I came back to look for you, Scott, and I'm glad I did." she continued.

She was now holding onto Scott's hands and staring at his eyes.

"I came back to find you, to ask for your forgiveness... I now realize how stupid I was to have left you. I love you, Scott, I do love you."

At that moment, Scott was speechless. He didn't know what to say because Lisa's confession took him by surprise. Before he could think of a reply, Lisa was already leaning in to kiss him, the kiss was slow and soft, and before Scott knew it, he was kissing back.

The kiss became heated and he placed her on the couch while he straddled on top of her, she began taking off his clothes and he didn't object. It turned into a make-out session and right there on the couch, Scott made love to Lisa.

The ExOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora