Chapter 3

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A cough interrupted the little staring match I had going on with Parker, and when his eyes widened and he visibly paled, I rose my eye brow and smirked.

Why he was palling? I have no idea. But I know I was the cause of it somehow. And I liked that I made him panic.

I turned around, looking towards Steve.

"Are we going, or is your method of finding my father standing and waiting?." I asked them, my hands clasped in front of me.

"When did Bucky have a kid?" Steve whispered out. I rolled my eyes and scoffed.

"Probably when I was born, sixteen years ago." I told him, and Mr. Stark snorted "now c'mon. Let's get this over with."

I turned and started walking away, but soon realised that I had no idea where I was going. There were many corridors that I'm sure led to many different rooms.

And I planned on not getting lost today.

"Parker," I shouted, turning back around. My long brown hair dwifly gathering behind my shoulders "help me get to somewhere that has a computer and some more techie stuff" I told him

His chocolate brown eyes looked over my face. Before turning to Mr.Stark, as if to ask for permission.

When he nodded, peter turned back to me and smiled. Then Steve put up his hand.

"I'm going too, Ayanna here has the most information about Bucky and what we need to do to help him. I'm not gonna pass that opportunity up." He said, turning to Natasha as she walked away with Clint, who was still holding his arm.

"Want happened to Clint by the way?" Mr. Stark asked.

"I, happened." I told him in a 'duh' time, rolling my eyes and placing my hands on my hips. "Now come on!"

I turned around and Steve and peter ran up to my side, guiding me through twist and turns of hallways. When we finally stopped at a door.

Steve turned to me slowly and gave me a sheepish grin

"We may have, already found buc- ... your father-..." he started, only to get cut off by me trying to throw a punch at his stupid face.

Peter and his stupid fast reflexes had me held back before I could make a move though.

"You little bitch." I growled at him "where is he?" I turned around quickly, to fast for peter to know I was going to do anything, and kneed him, somewhere not so nice.

I turned to Steve whilst peter crumbled on the ground in pain, and took a threatening step forward.

"Where is he?" I asked firmly, making sure he knew I wasn't going to leave until I got an answer.

Steve gulped but crossed his arms, trying to become the bigger person.

"He's in this room." He nodded, I turned towards the door. About to march through it when an arm grabbed me round my waist.

"You- um. I think you should calm down a bit before you go in there Ayanna." He said, his lips brushing over my ear we where so close.

I turned around quickly, coming face to face with dark brown eyes and curly brown hair. He gave me a small smile.

"I- uh-..." I stuttered out, before finally gathering myself together. Mentally slapping my self, and pulling away from peters strong grip on my waist "Yeah. No- I'm calm. I'm good."

I told him crossing my arms and looking at my feet shyly. WHAT THE HECK IS HAPPENING TO ME!??!

"You sure?" He asked quietly, I nodded. "Would you- would you like me to come in with you? Just incase. I mean- I can stay out here. If you want I-..."

"You can come in." I Told him, then looking to Steve "can you stay out here though? Please."

Steve looked between me and peter, his blue eyes were light and sparkling. Like he knew something about us, that even we didn't. And he would use it against us.

He smirked and nodded, unfolding his arms and nodding.

"No problem. I'll stay out here." He told us. I nodded and turned towards the door.

I gathered myself together before turning the door handle and walking in. Putting my hard mask on, mainly because I could be facing winter or Bucky.

I knew I would get a welcome, because even though winter was fucked up in the head and aggressive, but he and Bucky were protective of me, even me walking in here with peter was risky.

We arrived at what looked like a cell, it was all grey and you could tell that it was only meant for people getting in. If you were put in it, you weren't getting out.

The front of the cell was just a glass wall though, but you could tell it wasn't going to break at all.

In the corner of the room was a person, by this point I think you can guess who. He was curled up in a ball. His long matted hair covering his face.

"Winter sua bucky?" I tried in Romanian first, and my fathers head shot up at the sound of my voice.
[winter or Bucky?]

"Ayanna . ." He whispered out, but not answering my question.

"Winter sua Bucky?" I asked again, folding my arms over my chest.

"Eu este Bucky" he breathed out, and I unfolded my arms.
[i'm Bucky.]

He slowly walked up to the glass and put his metal hand up against it, smiling softly at me.

"ai crescut atâta Ayanna" He said, looking my face over like the last time I saw him.
[you've grown so much Ayanna]

The last time I saw him was when I was able to escape, he held me in-front of him for a good five minutes before he let me go.

"That tends to happen when you haven't seen a person for over two years." I told him, being firm. If I didn't he could shout at me for not sounding tough enough to face hydra.

"Ayanna, Jesus Christ was a worried for you. Their out for you, they're coming and there was nothing I could do but sit and hope you were okay." He told me, trying to get everything in his head to fit in one sentence.

"I'm okay. I'm a trained assassin. I can handle them." I turned to peter "he's doing fine, he can handle a cell, he handled cycro-freeze perfectly fine."

I turned and started walking away.

"Wait Ayanna! Please don't leave me again!"

So that's this chapter then.

Any Theories about what could happen next?

Well I do, because I write it!

Hope you enjoyed it and because Christmas is tomorrow and I won't get another chapter out before then!


H x

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