Mermaid!reader x Alexander Hamilton

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-Your POV-

I can't believe it! Today is the day I turn 118! I am now an adult.

I swim through the entrance of the elaborate maze of caves. "Hola a todos. Hoy es mi gran fiesta de cumpleaños Tengo ciento dieciseis," I say as I enter the cave. The lights of our small city shine on my smiling face. I was tackled from behind by my best friend Natalia.

"Si (Y/N) finally your an adult with me," Natalia said with a smug grin. I rolled my eyes. "Natalia just because you were nacido before me doesn't mean your more mature than I," I quickly rebuke.

The silver haired mermaid laughed and pushed me once again. We live in a small community off the side of the Nevis. Mermaids are allowed when they become adults to see the surface. Finally, I can see the world of above.

"So, Natalia..." I started. She gave me a death glare with her cold blue eyes. "I know your allowed to see the surface, but I have no clue why you would want to go near that isla. There are so many barcos and pescador everywhere," Natalia stated. "What if you get caught!"

I rolled my eyes and moved my (h/c) hair out of my face. "Natalia you worry to much! I am responsible..." I started. I heard a loud voice and turned around. A merman was swimming towards me and I instantly facepalmed.

Antonio swam up to me and squeezed me in a tight hug. I could feel my bones breaking slowly. "Antonio please..." I gasped. He laughed and let go of me. Natalia was behind me stifling her giggles. I sent her a death glare.

I turned back to Antonio as he spoke. "Oh! Mi querido your old now. Your young beauty is now gone," he touched my face. "Querido? Is that a wrinkle." By now Natalia was full on laughing. Her hands over her mouth. Her purple tail glistening in the artificial lights of their community.

I stuck out my tongue and slapped Antonio's hand. He gave me a pained expression, but I crossed my arms. "Antonio that's not funny! Your older than me." Natalia swam over to me. She placed her sharp nailed hands on my shoulders. "Antonio, wait till (Y/N)'s father hears your are trying to flirt with her before her party."

I laugh as Antonio mumbles something and swims away. "Natalia thank goodness. I was worried he wanted to try to talk to me. I'm not even allowed to have a novio until after I am 118. Antonio knows that." Natalia grabs my hand and says, "He's 121. He has saved his self for you."

I shrug, "It's not my fault I'm too fabulous to pass." I toss my (h/l) hair. Natalia laughs and throws her arm around my shoulder. "Mi amigo, I would totally pass you if I was him."

I feigned surprise and threw her off of me. She did a flip through the water and pushed me. We both laughed as we swam towards my family's dwelling area.

-Time Skip-

I laughed as I swam up closer towards the surface of the water. Natalia was swimming close behind. The usually dark water lightened by the full moon.

I break through the surface and take a big gulp of what my mother told me was called air. I surprisingly can breathe it. I feel a tug on my hand as I see a different looking Natalia. Her usually long and feathery silver hair was plastered to her face.

I dive back under as I grab Natalia's hand. I swim closer to the island we know as Nevis. I see fish swim away from something in the distance. I feel Natalia yank her hand away from mine. I turn around and see no one.

I gulp as I say into the now clear water, "Natalia... Nat! Nata this is NOT funny!" I see a big looped rope with fish tied between it. I see their struggles as it gets closer. In my awe I can't move. I'm frozen in a mixture of curiosity and fear.

-Alexander's POV-

I feel something heavier than normal tug the line. I yank as it gets heavier. "Amigos! I need a un poco de ayuda," I yell as two stronger men help me with the net. I see lots of fish.

The last of the net is pulled up. I scream as I see the object layed before me. A girl... no a fish... no she's both. I look at the two men beside me as they stare wide-eyed at the spectacle before us.

A man I knew as Marcus smiled and grabbed the woman's hand. "Looks like fellas we caught us a mermaid."

The mermaid didn't move. I could see blood around her tail from the rope burns. I step forward and grab the ropes trying to slip them off her. "Amigo! What are you doing?" Marcus dropped the hand of the girl. He stood towering over me and a not so happy look on his face. I gulp inwardly cursing myself for helping the creature.

"I've never seen something so beautiful. I can't bear to see her en dolor," I say grabbing a knife and cutting the ropes.

Marcus grabs her hair and takes the knife. "Marcus what are you..." I started as I see him chop off the mermaid's hair. He holds up the chopped hair and smiles at me. "This is going to help us," he said gesturing towards the three of us. "Mermaid hair? How is that gonna help us," started Hank.

Marcus held up the hair as he saw it slowly change color. It slowly changed from beautiful (h/c) to a bronze gold. I had a metallic shine to it. Completely unnatural.

I started awed at the hair until I looked at the now stirring mermaid. She opened an eye. It was a beautiful (e/c). I could stare at those eyes for eternity. "I...I...Who are you where am I?" She said.

Hank smiled sinisterly as he walked towards her. "My, My what a beautiful little girl. We could have a lot of fun with you."

Her eyes widened as she cried, "I'm only 118! I just turned that today! I have never even been on a date! Don't hurt me please let me go!"

I couldn't stand to see her cry. The silver tears hit the bottom of the boat. I walked towards her and set a hand on her shoulder. "Don't worry Bella. No one is going to hurt you. What's your name?" I asked as she moved from my touch.

She started at me and then proceeded to talk, "My name is (Y/N) (M/N) (L/N) I don't know any of you so please let me go!"

I hear Marcus laugh as him and Hank walk back over to the mermaid. "What a beautiful name for such a Bella creature." I'm frozen as I see Marcus grab her face and Hank grab her hands.

I scrunch up my face as I see her wail once again. The silver tears pouring from her eyes.

"STOP! DON'T TOUCH HER!" I yell. I can't feel the words come from my mouth, but I know it's my voice. Marcus and Hank both look at me. Marcus let's go of her and walks towards me. I can feel my anticipation growing. I don't know what's going to happen to me.

-Your POV-

I try to yank my hands away from the other man, but I can't. His clammy hands posses a to strong grip. I look over at my savior about to probably be killed by the other man. I delicately feel my heart break. He looked so young, he had a life to live, I couldn't be the reason he died.

Still there was no way I was inviting that other creep back over here. I try to slap my tail, but I can feel the blood from those tight ropes on it. I have no control over it.

I turn back over to the man. He was kissing down my arm now. I shivered at his cold, chapped lips. I kept crying out, but he wouldn't let go of me.

There was a large crash as both I and the man on me looked up. The other large man lay splayed on the bottom of the boat. The smaller man stood over him with what seemed to be a bottle of cooking oil.

The man had let me go. I summoned all my strength and put my hand into a balled fist. I sent it straight to his temple. He crumpled to the ground.

I can feel someone touch my shoulder as I turn my head around quickly. "My name's Alexander Hamilton. There's a million things I haven't done, but fighting people isn't one," the small man said.

I couldn't help but smile. His milky brown eyes and dark brown stubble made him charming and gorgeous. I felt completely helpless staring at him.

Maybe this is the beginning of love?


Do you guys think I should do a part 2? 1505 words

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