Chapter 14

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  I was all dressed and ready to bolt out of there

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I was all dressed and ready to bolt out of there. Just as soon as that nurse gave me the discharge papers to leave. I sigh as I pace the floors. Someone comes in. I expected it to be the nurse, a guard or Kendall.

I look up to see Michael smiling at me. I gasp as my heart leaps in my throat. It was time for good-bye. At least I guess doing this in person would give us both closure.

This was going to be worse then ripping off a hospital band aide. Before I could protest, I am in his embrace. He holds me close to him. I close my eyes and allow it to happen one more time.

"Renee why did you do that? You could have been killed? I know you were worried about me. He would have been caught! I do not know what I would have done if something happened to you!" he breathlessly words out. I feel him rubbing my back gently as he holds me. I hold back tears. Tears could wait until later.

I pull back to look into that handsome face. "Michael this marriage is not real. And I did what I had to do. I would do anything for you. Now I am going to set you free. I asked Kendall to draw up our divorce papers. And you can get back to your normal life once more" I ramble out. "I will send for my things at Neverland later. I won't go back today"

He looks stunned. He does not say another word. "I do not understand. I thought we agreed to begin to date one another?" he asks me.

"I know Michael, so you can stop giving me pity dates. I overheard you with Kendall this afternoon" I say softly. "I know how you really feel, I accept that. I can't make someone want to be with me. So, it is time for me to go"

He pulls me back in his arms. He shakes his head. "It is clear you did not hear the whole conversation. Other wise you would not be saying that to me right now" he replies to me.

Kendall comes in. "Hi guys! They say Renee can leave at any time now!" she tells us cheerfully.

"Tell her. Tell her what I said so she won't leave me!" he demands to Kendall sternly.

"Tell her what Michael?" she wants to know.

"What I did not overhead between you two" I sigh.

"He admitted to me that he is in love with you. What a great friend you are to him. He did not believe me that you admitted that you were in love with him. He could not see how you could love someone like him. He said if he told you and he ruined the friendship he could not bare to lose you. That was the part you did not hear" she explains to me. "I am leaving now. This is way to private for me to meddle in. Renee you two have a lot to say to one another. Listen to Michael" she chuckles softly before seeing herself out of there.

Stunned I can't look him in the eyes. My heart flutters with hope. He loved me?? "Look at me Renee" he demands to me. He lifts my chin up so that our eyes meet. "I love you too. I have been in love with you for years. I figured you did not feel the same way. And I did not want to scare you away by putting pressure on love" he rambles out.

Just Good Friends ❣︎ [Michael Jackson]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora