Chapter 26. Jack is missing.

Start from the beginning

"This is why we stay out of those damn Braithwaites and-and Grays business!" Abigail wails.

"John will make sure nobody harms Jack." Mary-Beth wipes some tears off Abigail's face.

"Who the hell captures a damn boy?!" I get up on my feet, pissed off.

I get that they're angry at us however no way in hell do they have any right to capture children, you deal with the adults who did it.

I grab a blade out of my belt and throw it at a barrel, hitting it dead on. It fell out. Not enough power. 

"Abigail, we'll get him back. Trust me." I say, looking at her.

She tries to give me a grateful smile, I can tell, but she has tears runnin' down her face.
Walking over to the barrel, I pull the knife I had thrown and get on Ace.

They wanna play dirty? Alright then.


I ride out to the Braithwaites, anger filling through me.

I hear gunshots and angry voices. I get off Ace and grab my rifle and throwing blades.

I aim my rifle at the first incest bitch I see and fire, hitting him in the shoulder.

I see Charles spotted me and was mumbling to himself.

Seeing a man on the top floor I take out a knife, aim, and throw. It hit him in the chest, not enough to kill him unfortunately, but somebody shot him upside the head to finish the job.

In no time everybody outside was cleared.

"Get this door open, Arthur!" I hear Dutch yell

I rush over and wait impatiently for Arthur to shoot the lock and then he kicks it open.

"Robin, why-"

Dutch don't let Arthur speak.

"We gotta find Jack!" Dutch yells.

Arthur hisses under his breath and rushes inside.

I take out my pistol and shoot two men hiding behind the openings to the hallway.

We clear the first floor extremely quick.
I turn to see Dutch and Arthur go upstairs to finish anyone up there.

I wait downstairs.

"Why'd you come?"

I turn around and see Charles.

"Had to. Not gonna hide anymore." I put my hands on my belt.

Charles nods.

Later I hear screaming and thumping.

Looking up the stairs I see Dutch dragging that old Braithwaite hag by her hair and she's screaming bloody murder.

One of her, I dunno 'men' I guess, stumble in the hallway all beaten up and bloody. He falls to the floor, dead.

The hag lets out a scream.

Feeling angry, I walked over and gave her one swift punch to the jaw.

Arthur pulls me aside, holding onto my waist.

"Give me five minutes alone with her!" I hiss.

"Good God." John glances at me.

"Jest' calm down." Arthur says.

Outside the front of the home, Dutch throws her to the ground and Hosea begins questioning her.

"Fucking bitch!" I try to lunge at her again but Arthur catches me. I cough a little from the impact... I thought.

"You are insane!" Arthur whispers loud enough for me to hear.

I could barley function what was going on around me, I was so angry.

I notice the buildings on fire. New trend?

Arthur makes me get on Ace and kinda swats my leg.

"Stay." He says.

I growl.

"Don't... do that." Arthur cringes and walks back to the ground.


Arthur and them all soon get on their horses after she said she... sold Jack to a man named Bronte.

What a sick whore.

I follow everyone else behind.

Jack, I'm gonna get you back to your parents.

Skadoo skadae heres a fact by the way:

Robin hates sweets.

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