Hyunjin {oneshot}

Start from the beginning

"It was just a suggestion. Anyway me and the guys are testing out a new game this weekend if you want to come and join us instead."

"Really? That's great, where shall I meet you?" You asked, happy to have any excuse to avoid the dance.

"My house, I'll give you the address." He said as he stopped writing his chemistry notes to scribble down his details on a scrap piece of paper.

"Thanks." You mumbled as you took the paper from him. You had never actually been to Hyunjin's house before, so you were quite interested to see what it was like.

So on Saturday afternoon, when everyone else was getting ready for the Winter Ball, you headed to Hyunjin's giant house with the rest of the guys. Once inside, his mum soon noticed you and grew the biggest smile on her face.

"Oh my goodness, it's so nice to meet you! You're the first girl Hyunjin's ever brought home before!" She exclaimed giving you a hug.

"Chill mum, we're just friends." He said, unable to hide his look of embarrassment.

"Oh right, well isn't there a school dance tonight?" She asked curiously.

"Yeah but they're not going so he invited us to hang out here. After all, your food is the best Mrs Hwang!" Jisung grinned as he walked out of the kitchen with a pizza slice making its way into his mouth.

"Thank you. Although it always seems to go missing when you're around Jisung." She smiled as she patted the boy on the back.

Once everyone arrived, you headed upstairs to discover that Hyunjin had his own gaming room. You looked around shocked as you saw a pool table, a ping pong table and a huge flat screen TV mounted on the wall. There were ten bean bags spaced out on the floor in front of the TV, each with a game controller set up ready to play.

Damn, so this is what being rich is like...

You knew Hyunjin was always generous when giving out expensive birthday gifts, but he never directly showed off his money. Unlike others at your school, he wasn't obsessed with designer brands and stayed very humble.

After about an hour or two of playing, your phone lit up as you received a few notifications.

You opened up Instagram to find your friends posting pictures after getting their hair and make up done. "Wow, they all look so beautiful." You said, kind of wishing that you were with your girl friends. You spent so much time worrying about what other people think of you, when in reality, you forgot that having fun with your friends should come first.

"Woah, can you introduce her to me?" Minho asked as he peered over your shoulder to look at the photo.

"She has a boyfriend already." You told him bluntly.

"Ok but you know, for future reference, I want her to know that I'm always an option." He said smirking.

"Please don't look at me like that." You muttered jokingly, sending him an appalled look.

Hyunjin also looked over at your phone curiously, "She's not even that pretty. I think Y/N's way better even without all that makeup."

"Ew can you all stop flirting and focus on the game please?" Jeongin whined.

You sighed as you purposely let your character die, "I'll sit out of this round; I'm going to the bathroom." You mumbled before leaving the room.

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