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Hoshi snuggled closer into Yoongis arms. The couple was currently watching "Crazy Rich Asians".

"YES QUEEN, POWER WALK OUTTA THERE, HE AINT A MAN HE'S A WHINY BITCH" Yoongi stared adoringly at his partner. Hoshi was too caught up in the movie to notice.

"Baby?" Yoongi called, grabbing Hoshi's attention. Before Hoshi could ask what was wrong he was pulled in for a kiss. His lips colliding with Yoongi's soft ones.

Yoongi trailed a hand up Hoshi's shirt and teasingly rubbed around Hoshi's nipples. Hoshi moaned, his back arching. "Y-Yoongi."

"oh my god! I'm sorry! Ew!" Yoongi pulled away and sighed when he heard the familiar high pitched voice of his ex-lover. Hoshi's face flared red, he his face in the crook of Yoongi's neck, while trying to calm his beating heart.

"Jimin, what do you want?" Yoongi's didn't bother hiding his annoyance.

Admittedly, Jimin missed when the elder called him 'Chimminie' and gave him all of his attention, he was also a bit jealous, but he had done wrong so he understood the lack of affection and knew he shouldn't feel jealous.

Clearing his throat and pushing down the hurt he spoke: "I was coming to get my stuff." He was proud of himself for not stuttering under the heavy glare Yoongi sent his way. Deciding it was now or never Jimin raised his head " I also w-wanted to talk t-to you."

He cursed himself for stuttering. Hoshi's head snapped up as his grip on his lover tightened. Yoongi stared Jimin into submission, the younger feeling small.

"I j-just w-want to t-talk. N-nothing more." Jimin kept his head down, it felt like a boulder was resting on his back.

Yoongi sighed once more before pecking Hoshi's lips, before he could get up Hoshi pulled him down for another kiss, this one longer and heated. Jimin looked away from the scene. Jimin felt a small nudge on his arm, he looked to see Yoongi walking towards the hallway.

Yoongi entered his room, Jimin following behind him. "What do you want to talk about Jimin?"

"I-I w-wanted t--"

"stop stuttering." Yoongi cut Jimin off, his words cut Jimin like a knife. Yoongi knew he stuttered when he was nervous, wait was that his way of saying 'don't be nervous.' God, I'm looking way too into this.

"Jimin." Yoongi snapped Jimin out of his thoughts.

Jimin took a deep breath before lowering his head. "I-I'm sorry, for hurting you and for playing the victim and for being an idiot and for doing the things I did. I was wrong and at first, I thought that I could just fix everything, but I made it a bigger mess, God I threatened my best friend. I didn't realize that my actions had consequences and now--"

Jimin cut himself off with a sob. Everything he had done came crashing down on him. He was being crushed by his sins. His heart felt heavy as he cried, "I'm sorry" he chanted.

Yoongi looked at the crying male in front of him. This was his Chimminie. The one who cried for his mistakes, the one who apologized from his heart, the one who knew what he did wrong and tries to fix it the right way. This was the Chimminie he loved. Jimin felt a pair of arms wrap around him.

"Jimin, shh, calm down." Yoongi's calm voice managed to get Jimin to stop crying. The room was silent, making Jimin's cute little sniffles loud.

"I'm sorry, Yoongi. Please, please believe me." Jimins voice cracked.

"I believe you Jimin, but that doesn't change anything. I love Hoshi, we" Yoongi pointed between the two of them, "will never be together again."

"Can I...before we part ways...can I just get...one last kiss...please," Jimin begged. Yoongi looked into the male's eyes before leaning in and kissing him.

Just like every other time, butterflies erupted in Jimins stomach, his heart fluttered, he felt complete. Yoongi pulled away, and laid his forehead on Jimin, both of them breathing heavily.

"Goodbye Chimminie."


Jimin watched as Yoongi walked out of his room, leaving Jimin and going back to his lover. Jimin opened his mouth and sung. It was a soft lullaby. He poured out his emotions letting his room be filled with his sorrow.

Without you
I feel broke
like i'm half of a whole
Without you
i've got
no hand to hold

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