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Jimin stared down at his phone, tears streaming adown his face once more. The scene was familiar, he was back in his room, hunched over his phone, face full or tears. The only difference was, instead of Yoongi rubbing a soothing hand through his hair and whispering that everything would be alright, it was Hoseok. The group sunshine, who was admittedly upset with Jimin, but he was too soft to completely cut him off.

"Jimin, you were in the wrong. You really have no right to cry this much." Hoseok said softly, the discomfort was clear in his voice but he still stayed in his position.

"I-I know. I f-feel horri-horrible hyung. I wa-wasn't thinking and-" Jimin cut himself off with a sob. He honestly didn't mean for what happened to happen. It just happened...over and over and over and God he was a slut.

The thought brought on a new group of tears.

Hoseok looked down as the younger buried their head in his chest. The worst part is Yoongi told them he wouldn't've known if Minho hadn't told him. Jimin didn't even confess the first time.

Hoseok moved his hand back, feeling even more uncomfortable. The thought of his sweet little jiminie sleeping around like a whore made him feel sick.

"Jimin, i love you alright. You're like my little brother, but right now, no matter how hard i try, i just can't be around you right now." Hoseok took a couple steps towards the door. He looked Jimin in the eyes and immediately regretted it.

"I understand hyung." Jimin whispered, his voice hoarse, tears still streaming down his face.

Before he could change his mind Hoseok left leaving Jimin curled up in a ball, shaking and crying, by himself.

He deserved this, he knew, but he didn't think it'd hurt this much, he was only dating Yoongi for sex, he admits. But he didn't think that he'd fall so hard for Yoongi.

Jimin uncurled himself and looked at the mirror. He wasn't thinking about killing himself or even cutting but damn, it fucking hurt to look at himself. Deciding to cover up the mirror he laid back down and stared at the ceiling fan.

He wished his heart would heal as fast as his tears were drying but that was impossible. He wanted to go back and tell himself not to cheat, to just not waste his time on girls when he had THE Min Yoongi.

He let himself be lulled to sleep by the soft swishing of the ceiling fan only to fall into nightmares. Normally with Yoongi around they wouldn't show up, but tonight they were back to take vengeance and there was nothing he could do.


do you feel bad for him?

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