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Jungkook stared at his phone. Maybe he was being a creep, but he missed Taehyung so fucking much. Looking up he locked eyes with his on screen girlfriend. She was holding hands with her boyfriend, laughing at whatever he said.

He missed that. He missed holding Taehyungs hands. He missed talking to the elder, laughing, having fun, but he just couldn't bring himself to go back into the open arms of the one he loved.

What if Jimin had shown Taehyung anyway?
What if Taehyung thought he was dirty?
What if Taehyung didn't love him anymore?
What if...

The list of 'what ifs' could go on and on. Jungkook broke eye contact with his partner, he knew she thought he liked her, that's probably why she never failed to mention her boyfriend to him.

Jungkook didn't care, he could care less about her love life, he didn't even want to get with her, who the fuck said he liked vaginas anyway.

He was strictly dickly. Heteros are fucking weird.

Sighing he went up to her when her boyfriend left. His partner shifted from foot to foot annoying Jungkook to no end.

He noticed he got angry faster ever since he stopped talking to Taehyung. He didn't want to admit that Taehyung had made him more calm, more docile and easier to work with. He wasn't a ticking time bomb when he was around Taehyung.

"Stop that." He ordered. The female in front of him, lisa, immediately stopped moving. She stared down at the floor and opted to recite her lines in her head rather than listen to Jungkook.

"Im gay." Jungkook said bluntly. Lisa's head snapped up. Her eyes widened at the new information. Did that mean he liked her boyfriend?

Lisa opened her mouth to ask the ques only to get shut down by Jungkooks next words.

"I also have a boyfriend." So maybe he was lying. But he and Tae were practically dating, that was enough, right. Plus he didn't want Lisa to think he was after her boyfriend.

"w-why are you telling me this?"

"Because i need you help."

Jungkook proceeded to tell Lisa everything that had happened. He knew it was stupid but he needed and outlet and here Lisa was, just standing around.

When he was done explaining what a mess his life was he looked up at Lisa, his eyes wet with unshed tears.

"Lisa, what do I do?" He asked, the lump in his throat straining his voice. Lisa stood still for a second, not saying a word.

"Go to him. Talk to Taehyung, if he is disgusted then he never loved you and you should kick him in the nuts, if he greets you with open arms then he loves you. He waited all this time and you should keep him." Lisa said. She rubbed Jungkooks arms softly, showing that she was there for him.

Jungkook nodded, not trusting his voice. Lisa got up and hugged him, allowing Jungkook yo cry about the mess he called his life. They were broken away by the director calling for Jungkook to start a scene.

"Thank you Lisa." Jungkook whispered as he walked off.

Lisa sat down and watched Jungkook leave, the two oblivious to the fan sitting in front of the window, snapping multiple suggestive pictures of them hugging.

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