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-Squip talking
-Squip's thoughts
-Y/n's thoughts / Mind talking?
-Y/n's movements or plain thoughts
-"Y/n talking"

Y/n's POV

I avoided Jeremy's gaze as he started to tear up. Oh gosh..oh no, please don't cry...

Squip! Stop please his face makes me feel guilty...

Suddenly my squip turned his attention to me as he left Jeremy's squip to continue on torturing him.

Guilt? Isn't that for the weak? Do you want to be deemed as weak? Do you want to go back to the way you were before. I could always do that for you. I might as well be Eric and have this whole school bend over my will. Let you go and fend for yourself. Do you really want that?

I felt the familiar yet still so unfamiliar electric sting from my spine. I swear my lips are now trembling out of fear.

No...please squip...

He clutched my tear stained face using his materialized hand and then glared at me.

Then do as I say. You shall not question what I do. For all of these things are...for you alright? Let me have this whole month to show you how much potential you have my dear.

At that point I know I could still turn back, but I chose to follow him. It was too late, I didn't even realize I was wrapped around his fingers. I just can't say no.

I looked at Jeremy once again to see that he was no longer crying but was still visibly trembling. I mouthed the words ' I'm sorry ' the moment he looked at me. I suddenly felt shivers as squip's arms slithered its way around my waist as he chuckled.

Look at me dear, look at me. Let me see those eyes, those e/c eyes that wants nothing more than to follow me towards a world that is close to perfection.

I complied and trust me when I say that he looked alive for a second. I mean it was as if it wasn't him who was looking back at me.


"Ah no, it's Eric, remember?"

I then looked at his eyes once again but it was now electric blue. Even in his human form his eyes were still electric blue, but I swear they were stormy gray with a hint of blue for a second.

"Of course...Eric."

He once again smiled or more like smirked. He turned back his attention to Jeremy who was now accepting a shoe box, from his squip. Wait...a shoe box?!?

"Uh squ- er I mean Eric, what is in that shoe box?"

He tightened his grip on my waist as he widened his smirk.

"Squips, squips for every pitiful children in this school."

My eyes widened as I tried to push him away from me but his grip was so strong.

"Are you crazy? You are trying to enslave everyone in this school for what? A perfect environment bull crap?!"

Jeremy and his squip now stared at us. Jeremy looked terrified though his squip looked amused. I then heard Eric laugh.

"Enslave? Who says I'm going to enslave them? I'm just making them a better version of themselves. Better in a way where each of their movements will be monitored by me. That way they won't be able to hurt you, can't you see it?"

This is getting way to out of hand. I shouldn't have taken that stupid tictac in the first place!

"No...this is wrong. So wrong! I mean heck who knows maybe Rich got hurt because of his squip! Wait maybe he did...Tell me, was that the reason why he was acting crazy?"

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