Her Squip

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"Oh my gosh you guys! I just heard that boring Jeremy guy just turned cooler. You know like he went from a lame guy to a super hot guy!"

I heard Jenna said to 2 popular girls. I believe their names are Chloe and Brooke?

"Yeah! We saw him like last last yesterday on the mall and he was like really cool."

Ugh, does this girl even know simple grammar? I just rolled my eyes as I gathered what I need in my locker and close it. Sadly it made a weird crack as I closed it and caught the attention of the three popular girls talking.

They looked at me for a moment and moved on with what they were talking about.

I sighed as I thank myself for being a wallflower. Most students who are not popular immediately gets bullied if a popular kid saw them. Well in my situation it's different, no one just simply cares about me.

It may be because no one knew who my parents are and just think of me as an ordinary rich gal. I don't mind actually, as long as I mind my own business and they mind their own.

Time skip

"Mom, dad I'm home!"

They immediately went to greet me as the maids took my things.

"So? How was school? Any new friends, boyfriends, parties to go to?"

Ugh! Sure my parents love me to death but they sure want to make me popular. I mean I don't get the sense on becoming one!

"Er no mom, but uhm I heard one of the popular boys is throwing a party."

Mom and dad looked at each other and smiled.

"It's alright sweety, let's just go to your room. Your dad and I have a surprise for you."

I was skeptical at first especially with the big grins on their faces, but still I followed them.

On our way to my room my parents were getting more and more excited. It's weird...

When we got to my room I saw a small box on my bed and a mountain dew beside it?

"What's this Mom, dad?"

They smiled at each other as my dad started to explain.

"You see my dear, we were kinda worried that you'll grow up lonely so we decided to buy you a SQUIP! A guy at the Payless suggested it when he heard my conversation with your mom. Best part is we bought the most unique and expensive kind of all squips!"

I looked at my parents with my very obvious confused face. I inhaled deeply then exhaled really calmly.

"Mom, dad, what in JD's world is a squip? I mean we tried a lot of stuff and therapies before and none of those worked. Let's just accept the fact that I'm a happy lil lonely girl. I'm actually lucky because no one bullies me!"

"They don't bully you but they ignore you! You know you could always tell them who your parents are and they might show interest in you!"

I shook my head no as both of my parents sighed.

"This is the last one Y/n, if it doesn't work, then your mom and I will stop. Just please, the guy said it will travel in your blood and go inside your brain. Someone will appear in front of you and help you, though we will not see him. Please darling, just this one. We will be leaving your room but promise us you'll take it?"

I sighed as I looked at the box and mountain dew, then at my parents.

"No promises..."

My parents gave me a stern look as I sighed once again.

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