Pizza Spaceships.

Começar do início

I quickly interjected, insisting on taking it off her hands.

"You boys are so sweet." She praised, directing us on where to put the table.

I was straightening it when a security guard pushed through the doors with Luke's hauled over one shoulder and Ashton close behind. Another set of guards closed the doors and stood in front, keeping the fangirls from getting ay ideas.

"What happened?" Calum asks, gesturing wildly at Luke.

The security guard sets Luke down before walking off through a door at the end of the hall. "A girl asked for a hug, and while i was giving her one security said we were a bit behind on time. I guess the girls were upset and they tried puling me over the railing. It neary worked too." Luke explained, he seemed a little shaken up but who wouldn't be after nearly being pulled into something resembling a mosh pit. Except with a bunch of girls and a lot more touching and feeling.

We took a five minute breather even though we happened to be behind schedule already, although Luke protested we knew he needed it.

We all took seats at the plastic table, heavily armed with sharpies and watching the fans file in. Each collecting a small picture of us or buying our CD to be signed.

The first fan up was a giddy blonde with orange dip dye, sporting a very classy shirt and high-waisted shorts. She greeted Ashton excitedly, made small talk before moving on to Calum, closely followed by a conversation with Luke. I sat down first, knowing not many were here to see me in particular.

"Hi I'm Michael." I greet, causing her to giggle.

"Kimberly." I hand her the CD with my name sloppily sprawled across Luke's face on the cover. I quickly take it back and throw some on around Calum, making sure to spread them around enough to make it look inconspicuous.

"Did you want a hug, Kimberly?" I ask politely, handing the CD to her once again. She nods enthusiastically, I stand up and throw my arms around her over the table.

The faces started to blur together, causing me to start saying generic lines and I was basically on autopilot for most of it. Moving my arms rhythmically and giving the fan a hug at the appropriate timing.

The crowd was finally beginning to thin out, bringing me back to reality and allowing me to say more thoughtful things and spew compliments out here and there.

There was a loud squeal in front of me, I look up to see a very attractive member of the male gender. Grey-green eyes, platinum hair, nose piercing. I had a hard time believing the squeal came from him.

"What's your name?" I asked carefully, I always had to be cautious around male fans, because lets be honest, you could accidentally punch a girl fan in the face and they'd probably cry because you apologized directly to them.

"I'm Stevie." He cheers, hopping around excitedly.

"Hi Stevie, I'm hungry." I grin, my stomach emitting a growl of agreement.

"We could get pizza after this is all over." He winked.

My mind lulled out everything except the word pizza.

I could use some pizza right now.

I was about to nod in agreement--because fuck yeah pizza!

A pair of large hands rested right above the collar of my blue flannel, bringing me out of my daze and back to the real world.

No more floating pizza spaceships.

"Your holding up the line, Clifford." Calum's voice sent a chill down my spine yet heating me up all over at the same time.

I sigh, taking a moment to rub my face. "I'm sorry, Hood. I think I need a break." The idea of  break was super appealing, maybe I could nap for a bit too.

Stevie opens his mouth, eyes shining at what he was about to say when Calum cut him off, "I ordered pizza."

I was out of my chair like a shot, hugging him in a matter of seconds. "I love you so much right now!" I shouted excitedly, mind set on pizza.

"Love me enough to have celebratory sex when the pizza gets here?" He jokes, a wide grin appearing on his face.

"Of course! Anything as long as I get pizza!" I chuckle, zooming through the last of the fans with pizza and that Asian kid two seats away. I did happen to notice that Stevie was loitering near the exit door and staring shamelessly.

He must be working with Jane!

Why are all of the hot ones murderers?

Calum's not a murderer.

I smiled at that thought, at least I was sure that he wasn't. He loves puppies too much.

Daft || MalumOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora