Chapter One- An Introduction.

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❄️ Jack ❄️

My name is Jack Frost. I'm 317 years old, the controller of ice and snow, and a Guardian. Some of my hobbies include snowball fights, protecting the world, killing Pitch Black, and exploring.

I don't have a family, unless you count the Guardians. Which I do.

Well, actually, I take that back. I DID have a family. I just don't anymore because, um... I'm dead. But nevermind that. Let me begin with the story of how I went from being a Guardian to a boyfriend.


Everything was going perfectly fine. It was July and nothing interesting was happening at North's workshop--all I was doing was playing a game of cards with a few yeti's and a crazy elf. I realized I had lost and I dropped my cards on the table.

"You win." I muttered and stood up. "Good game, guys." I walked out of the room and met Bunnymund in the hall. "Oh, hey!" I exclaimed.

"Jack!" He said in his heavy Australian accent. "How goes it?"

I nodded and shrugged. "It's going okay. Hey, listen. I think I'm gonna take off for a little while."

Bunny raised an eyebrow. "Oh?"

"Yeah." I said with a nod and half-smile. "I'm just gonna go exploring. If you need me, you know how to get a hole of me." I winked at my terrible pun and patted Bunny on the shoulder, then turned and left the workshop. I launched myself in the air and started to fly southeast.

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